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Introductory Topic

Introductory Topic- My reflection

When first carrying out my research on the Introductory Topic, I was convinced that I was a Digital Resident, due to my status as a ‘Digital Native’ and my inability to go without my phone for more than a few hours (Prensky, 2001). However, I discovered my superficial familiarity with digital tools, my ability to do the basics and maintain my digital identity, but my struggle in creating this blog, visuals and my video (The Economist, 2010). Continue reading →

Introductory Topic- My reflection

When first carrying out my research on the Introductory Topic, I was convinced that I was a Digital Resident, due to my status as a ‘Digital Native’ and my inability to go without my phone for more than a few hours (Prensky, 2001). However, I discovered my superficial familiarity with digital tools, my ability to do the basics and maintain my digital identity, but my struggle in creating this blog, visuals and my video (The Economist, 2010). Continue reading →

Reflection: This LIFE LESSON will change your life!

Here I thought blogging was easy until I was showed a glimpse of the amount of thought that actually goes into it. This module is shaping up to be an exciting challenge. Going into the topic on Digital Natives and Immigrants, I had heard of talk of disparities with millennials and preceeding generations through Simon Sinek’s viral video. So, Prensky’s theory nothing profound. Tbh To be honest, I was quick to dismiss it out of laziness. Continue reading →

UOSM2008: Intro topic reflection

This post is part of a series published as part of the University of Southampton’s Living and Working on the Web module. To find out more, including links to all of this year’s student blogs, check out the UOSM2008 website. Although it has involved completely different styles of university teaching and writing to what I’ve been accustomed, I feel I’ve been adjusting well to UOSM2008 throughout the intro topic. Continue reading →

Introductory Topic – Self Reflection

See my original post here. While I do consider myself to be reasonably competent using the internet, comparing my digital self test with others has shown me that I am lacking in some areas; Mostly involved around participating in and building online social networks and managing my online identity. Prenksy’s argument for “Digital Natives and Immigrants” appears as a persuasive and black and white approach to categorising internet users. Continue reading →

Introductory Topic – Self Reflection

While I do consider myself to be reasonably competent using the internet, comparing my digital self test with others has shown me that I am lacking in some areas; Mostly involved around participating in and building online social networks and managing my online identity. Prenksy’s argument for “Digital Natives and Immigrants” appears as a persuasive and black and white approach to categorising internet users. Continue reading →

Introductory Topic – Self Reflection

See my original post here. While I do consider myself to be reasonably competent using the internet, comparing my digital self test with others has shown me that I am lacking in some areas; Mostly involved around participating in and building online social networks and managing my online identity. Prenksy’s argument for “Digital Natives and Immigrants” appears as a persuasive and black and white approach to categorising internet users. Continue reading →

Introductory Topic – Self Reflection

See my original post here. While I do consider myself to be reasonably competent using the internet, comparing my digital self test with others has shown me that I am lacking in some areas; Mostly involved around participating in and building online social networks and managing my online identity. Prenksy’s argument for “Digital Natives and Immigrants” appears as a persuasive and black and white approach to categorising internet users. Continue reading →

Reflecting On My First Blog Post

Writing my first blog post, I quickly realised that it was going to be extremely difficult to put all the information I had gathered through research in to the minuscule 300 word limit. On top of this I really wanted my post to be as engaging, and aesthetically pleasing, and not just a page with 300 words. This is where info-graphics became extremely useful, it allowed me to give a detailed summary of what Prensky Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives meant, and what David S. Continue reading →

Reflecting On My First Blog Post

Writing my first blog post, I quickly realised that it was going to be extremely difficult to put all the information I had gathered through research in to the minuscule 300 word limit. On top of this I really wanted my post to be as engaging, and aesthetically pleasing, and not just a page with 300 words. This is where info-graphics became extremely useful, it allowed me to give a detailed summary of what Prensky Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives meant, and what David S. Continue reading →