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2016, Page 12

A look back at Topic 2

Topic 2 has told me that one of the most significant reasons that supports the use of multiple online identities is that it presents you with the ability to be selective in how you appear in different online contexts. Both Holly and Richard’s posts stated that an advantage of this is that it allows you to achieve more control over your professional appearance. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflections

Overview As a society, we are increasingly putting more information about ourselves online meaning that our online identities plays an important role in our everyday lives. This is particularly the case for those that demonstrate ‘digital resident’[1] traits as their increased online activities would cause their online identity to become more valuable. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflecion

Topic 2 was all about managing our online identity. Personally, as I’ve mentioned I have one identity that I present online which reflects my real identity. This is because I agree with some readings regarding the linkage between your online identity and your real identity. I feel that they both intertwine and this is something that people should focus on instead of multiple online identities. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 2

Reflective Pond, Marriotts Phuket, Thailand Trying to condense my post for topic 2 down to 400 words was a near impossible task. What I’ve read over the past few days has been very insightful and interesting. I had already naïvely written about my take on online identities; at first I thought this would complicate things for me, but then I tried to use it to my advantage. When thinking about this topic, one always thinks of the perils – Catfishing, identity theft and trolling. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

When beginning this topic, I had some previous knowledge regarding online identities. I, myself, have been using different forms of social media for several years now and know the importance of portraying myself differently among different platforms to suit the purpose. However, I had never seen the other side of the argument before this topic in such depth and this has helped create new insights for me. Continue reading →

Multiple Multiple Online Identities. A Reflection.

Just over a week ago I wrote about how and why some people may choose to maintain multiple identities. I knew that it was not uncommon for people to maintain different online identities, but it was not something I had ever done (or really considered) so I was fascinated to learn about other people’s experiences. I liked how Ellis spoke quite frankly at the end of her blog post about how she maintains multiple identities. Continue reading →

My Reflection about the Perils of Numerous Online Identities

I found this topic really intellectually stimulating because I’ve only thought about it in a black-and-white way before.  Finding readings to evaluate made me more informed, however on a sub-conscious level I probably gravitated towards those I agreed with.  I realised what a valuable learning curve reading others’ blogs to comment on is because it actively challenges my thoughts, especially when those viewpoints are evidenced. Continue reading →

Reflecting on Online Identities

I was previously familiar with the subject of online identities through managing my own. I approached the topic with an argument for multiple online identities, however engaging with my peers broadened my perspective on how many online personas we should have. Holly’s post, especially the introduction and her use of the personas profile, explored the advantages of a single online identity. Continue reading →

Topic 2 reflection

Another topic has arrived to an end. It’s so amazing to see how different people can have a completely different understanding or approach on analysing the same topic. Given the topic: managing our online identity with either one or multiple identities, I have read so many different perspectives from how it can influence mental health to how dangerous it can be for our personal lives such as identity theft, just to mention one. I have to highlight Sam Horstcraft‘s post. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

Multiple online identities have some clear advantages over having only one. As explained on Shriya’s blog they can be used as a marketing in order to reach niche audiences. Linkedin for example can be used to make professional connections within a specific professional community. However I didn’t agree that by using multiple identities you can remain anonymous, despite altering your persona on these different sites. Continue reading →

Topic 2. Summary

At the beginning of the discussion about online identities, I was very undecided where I am standing in regard to creating my own. The modules I took during my degree course (Web Science) equipped me with knowledge that made me cautious and reluctant about any kind of excessive online presence, in particular building a comprehensive and detailed single online identity which would include lots of identifiers. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

It’s clear from reading everybody’s blogs and comments on the issue of multiple identities that it is difficult to come up with a clear answer. There are some convincing arguments for such as employment reasons or verifiability and some persuasive arguments against such as anonymity and personal freedom. However it’s clear to see that all of these points have 2 sides to them that one person may see as a positive and others may see as a negative. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

Similar to topic one, topic two proved to teach a lot more than I originally thought. What appears to be the reasons for and against having one or more online identities introduces debates on social media, mental health, bullying, privacy and online safety. I have summarised the main themes with some facts and images in the infographic below. An interesting contribution to the topic was made by Sam. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective Writing!

  In the 21st century, using the web is becoming part of our daily lives, thereby evaluating if it is better to develop one or multiple online identities on Internet can be really useful. After analysing arguments of scholars such as Lewman or by reading some of the blog posts, it is undeniable that having multiple identities seem to present numerous advantages. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective Summary

There were some really great contributions to this weeks topic Ammaar’s post summarised the points for and against having a single online identity. He also highlighted that it is very rare that a user will have online one online profile and so they much choose whether the persona on each platform is the same or whether they should tailor it to each platform. This is something I touched upon in my comment on Holly’s blog in response to her post. Continue reading →