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Spring Term Is Coming To An End

Spring term is coming to an end which almost marks the end of my first year of university life here. A lot has been going on in the last six months from the very first day I stepped onto this land. I still remember the day when I walked out of Heathrow Airport, the excitement building up in me was so intense that almost instantly, the fatigue due to the 13 hours-long flight journey was completely gone. Culture shock? Not really. I guess it's just a different living style. Continue reading →

New Years Resolutions…

Happy New Year to all! Nope guys, I am not dumbing down. I know it started a month earlier but I was busy with exams and forgot to wish you. And for me, it has just started as I have taken my last paper :) We had a wonderful party to start this year. The year 2007 has significantly changed my life. It has put me back on track as I successfully resumed my long-awaited study. So far, I am very happy with my course and my university choice. Continue reading →