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Knowledge Transfer

Lots has been going on. I will tell you about it due course! However, my topic today is planning, organisation and motivation. The plan is mostly to share some resources that I have found. I have a problem with planning. I am really good at making plans, but have difficulty sticking to them. Maybe it's a result of overestimating what I can do, but then doing enough of it to satisfy whatever my targets were, by the *hard* deadline. Continue reading →

Creative Writing!

If I have any 'regular' readers (though the only feedback is from my dad!), then I must apologise for my lack of activity on this blog in recent months. June is the time for the first piece of assessment, of sorts, in my PhD, so I have been building up to and working on this. Continue reading →

Summer Term is here!

The summer term has started, and I have been welcomed back with an ever-increasing workload. A couple of pieces of coursework, a few labs for various modules, class tests for others, and revision beginning soon. It’s good to be back. No, really. The cricket trials were held for the University team over the last five days of the Easter holiday, and were great fun, despite some sore muscles and joints after a couple of five or six hour days. Continue reading →

Hurray! Exam results are out!

Hurray! Exam results are out! Well, I am very happy. I have been really tense all those three weeks after the exams. On the results day, I could hardly wait to get to university. I turned my laptop on as soon as I reached Portswood and kept it in sleep mode all the way. By the time students were getting off on the high campus bus stop, I had “resumed” it and connected to the Internet. Continue reading →

Semester Review

Wow. It’s been a very long time since I sat down to do this (sorry, fans!). In the meantime I have had quite an eventful few months, starting with the week following my last blog, when my computer decided to die on me. After that, it wasn’t long until I departed for a ski trip with the university snow sports club. Continue reading →

Exam Period

The exam period has been over for a couple of weeks, and everyone is starting to get back into the swing of things (which is why I am writing this). All in all, it didn’t go too badly, although the timetable for the first week was a bit of a nightmare. Who wants an exam at 9.30am on the first day of the exam window? The second semester has finally kicked into gear after the introductory lectures, and several pieces of lab work have now been set in several modules. Continue reading →

The Exams Story

The Exams Story Firstly, exams were tough. It is hard to find any MSc student (at least it's true for Software Engineering and Web Technology) who would disagree with this statement. However, having said that, I must remind you guys that we were told we need provide “sufficient evidence of background reading”. That’s where the real story begins! From my personal point of view, these exams were slightly different than those I had taken in my undergraduate study. Continue reading →

New Years Resolutions…

Happy New Year to all! Nope guys, I am not dumbing down. I know it started a month earlier but I was busy with exams and forgot to wish you. And for me, it has just started as I have taken my last paper :) We had a wonderful party to start this year. The year 2007 has significantly changed my life. It has put me back on track as I successfully resumed my long-awaited study. So far, I am very happy with my course and my university choice. Continue reading →

MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games)

Thus far I have been concentrating on looking at existing uses of video games in education, but I have not investigated virtual worlds as much. There is some research looking at using MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games), and their predecessors, MUDs and MOOs, in education, but less so in the area of non-game 3D virtual worlds. The best known example of these systems is Second Life. Continue reading →