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Page 22

Its Raining Again and Deadlines are Fast Approaching

So it's Friday morning, its raining outside and deadlines are fast approaching but it's not all doom and gloom! My 9AM tutorial finished early so I thought I would take the time to update the world with the recent events of my life. The University held an Engineering and Computer Science careers fair which I attended to look at the possibility of doing a summer placement next year. Many of the major players were present including Microsoft, Bloomberg, IBM, Siemens... the list goes on. Continue reading →

EE Zepler Prize

EE Zepler Prize Wow, incredible, amazing – I’m simply stunned. I’ve just been told I have won the EE Zepler Prize for achieving the top mark of all the students on my course last year! I can’t believe it! I knew I had done well and got good marks, but I had no idea how I compared to anyone else, so to discover this now, well, I’m actually speechless... ...Fast forward a few days and there was an informal prize-giving ceremony for all the winners across all ECS courses and years. Continue reading →

Procrastination and Distractions are Still Apparent

The temptation of distraction that I had whilst studying at college seems to have carried over to university quite well. There is always this massive urge to do anything but homework; my head even makes it seem that tidying my room is better. Which is a lie. I just need to be more strict with myself, he says, whilst sitting in his room, writing his blog and listening to house music... Continue reading →

The Corkboard is filled with Random Bits of Paper

On the wall above my desk, is a large cork-board. One half of this currently has on it a random jumble of bits of paper including my lecture timetable, a map of the university, the passcode for my wireless internet, and a picture of Prince William on a motorbike cut out of the Metro. The other side is my Quote Wall, a veritable library of amusing, interesting, or thought-provoking sentences I've heard members of the human race come out with. Continue reading →

Returning to ECS

Returning to ECS Having been back in the UK now for nearly two months, I am well settled into the lifestyle. This year I live in a bit of a multi-lingual household with a Spaniard, a Frenchman, and a German in addition to a couple of English freshers. It has been good fun getting to know everyone's quirks and we hardly ever fight over the shower in the mornings thanks to a rather scattered pattern of morning alarm clocks (I'm usually up first). Continue reading →

Fresher’s Week II, Free Food, and lots and lots of coursework!

It’s been a month since I returned to Southampton, and a very good month it’s been! It all started with me helping with the ECS Jumpstart City Challenge, which involved leading a group of freshers around the town whilst they had to create a comic book style story incorporating all the places we visited. We also had to include such crazy things such as being chased by a group of over 20 people, getting resuscitated by a paramedic and meeting the mayor, amongst others. Continue reading →

My First Blog Post – Lets Start With an Introduction

Hello! As this is my first blog post, I guess the obvious place for me to start is by introducing myself. I am here in Southampton to study MEng Electronic Engineering and love every minute of it! I decided to come to Southampton not only because of its great rankings in the league tables but also because of the warmth and sense of fun that was conveyed at the open days and interview. Continue reading →

Cup of Java anyone?

Three weeks in, and it's time to scribble a few more thoughts. I've just got back into my room in halls from doing everyone's washing up, while they've all gone away for the weekend. Just Dan, one of my flatmates, and myself this weekend, so it's quiet in halls and I can think about the blog post. The course is slowly but steadly progressing, and it's beginning to teach me a few things. Continue reading →