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News, Page 4

The English Society and Mission Employable – with a forthcoming event!

Hello all, Iā€™m Francesca Rock, a second year English literature and French student here at the University of Southampton. At the end of my first year of University I decided I wanted to get more involved with university life and nominated myself as Welfare Officer for the English Society. I won the position in the elections and as a result have had the opportunity to participate in Mission Employable. Continue reading →

Semester 1 Update

Hello Everyone! It has been such a busy and exciting semester for the Mission Employable team! We launched the Peer Mentoring scheme on Monday 22 September with training day for all mentors and mentor officers. The day was run by Verity and myself and included talks by our Studentsā€™ Union, Student Services and the Humanities Senior Tutor, so that all mentors knew where to direct their mentees should any problems arise. Continue reading →

The Final Week! An Update from Charlotte

Hello Everyone, What a busy few weeks weā€™ve had in the Mission Employable team! The module is nearly ready to launch, the fantastic BlackBoard site has been created for students by Amber and James, and Verity has chosen her mentors, matched them with their incoming mentees, and planned a training day for the Humanitiesā€™ societies Mentor Officers and all the mentors! As well as preparing for my forthcoming role as Peer Mentor Coordinator - which Verity mentioned in her post last week -... Continue reading →

A Mentor Welcome Letter

Hi all, In my previous post, I mentioned that Mentors have been emailing their mentees with Welcome Letters. Kindly, Lewis Brennen, a History Mentor, has allowed me to share his Welcome Letter with you all.Ā Ā This is a perfect example ofĀ what Mentors are saying toĀ Mentees, as a way of introduction! "Hi everyone! First off, I just want to say massive congratulations on getting into the University of Southampton to study history. Continue reading →

An Update on Humanities Peer Mentoring

The Mission Employable team are almost at the end of our internships with only one week left and Humanities Peer Mentoring has already begun! Once the details of the University of Southamptonā€™s new students were accessible I began matching up these students, who are now mentees, into groups with two Mentors. The Mentors have all been emailed with the details of their new groups and instructions for their next steps. Continue reading →

An update from Charlotteā€¦

Hello everyone, As we are now two-thirds of the way through our internship, I thought I would give you an update on my progress! My research on Group Activity is going well, and I have continued to contact universities who demonstrate interesting and innovative ways to make their students aware of their professional and personal development across all aspects of university life. Continue reading →

Opportunity Profiling- Stepping up our Game!

Hi everyone, Since Eleanor took a 3 week period of annual leave on August 11th, the pressure has no doubt been on for all members of the Mission Employable team to achieve as much as possible and meet the range of respective goals that we each set for Eleanorā€™s return at the start of September. However, alongside this work we have also been compiling opportunity profiles for the Southampton Opportunity Project. Continue reading →

Humanities Peer Mentoring – Applications are in!

Good Morning everyone! The Humanities Peer Mentoring scheme is coming along extremely well. The mentor applications closed on Sunday (17/08), and I am currently in the process of reading through them all. There wereĀ an incredible 166 applicants from across our seven departments! Reading through the applications is one of the highlights of this role because it is a great privilege to read studentsā€™ reasons and motives for joining the scheme. Continue reading →