Launch Monday!
March 7, 2011
by Christopher Gutteridge
We’ve just crossed over to midnight and the site is looking pretty darn linked. We’ll open it to the public once the final bits have been checked tomorrow.
The data.southampton team have produced a few initial applications for the data, plus so have a few of our students, but this is just the start. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
This was lots of hard work trailblazing how to set the site up, but all our code is available! If you wanted to just make an RDF document describing buildings or a phonebook we’ve got some nice scripts which turn simple spreadsheets into linked data! I’ve just imported a sheet of recycling points from around the university, and that’s the last thing for today.
One thing we’ve not yet really done is shown how much goes on under the hood.
If you want to explore the data, swapping the .html in the address bar for .xml, .rdf and .json will often give some data. This data is all rather free-range right now, but we’ll progressively improve the site as we learn.
Categories: Uncategorized.