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2016, Page 8

Lost In Translation: Social Media in Education

Going into this module I didn’t fully understand the idea of curriculum innovation, but this question opitimises why it is so important. We are encouraged to explore everything that the Internet has to offer and use any platform we see useful, in order to make our responses diverse and interesting. It is because of this that my personal learning network is developing and not just my ability to memorise and regurgitate facts and information. Continue reading →

Social Media Plagiarism

Ethics focus on what is best for society and its members, and constitute a structure of moral principles which govern the way people live their lives.  Therefore, ethical issues occur when individuals’ moral principles and actions are conflicted, and they are unsure between right and wrong.   Education is slowly becoming more integrated with social media, so the ethical implications of this are becoming more relevant to society. Continue reading →

A personal reflection

Topic 1 is over. I repeat after months of hair pulling moments and a copious amount of Google searches and YouTube tutorials later Topic 1 is over. Although relieved I’m somewhat saddened by the news that what appears to have become the bane of my life for the past few months is over. Finding myself submerged in an online world I thought I knew so much about I soon realised how wrong I was. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection

Right from the start I found myself questioning Prensky’s idea of ‘digital natives’ and ‘digital immigrants’ perplexed by his somewhat outrageous statements suggesting age is the key determinant of a persons technological skill I was intrigued to see if any of my fellow colleagues had picked up on this barbaric idea. While browsing through my colleague’s blogs I immediately found myself drawn in by Holly’s very creative and original title. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Social Media Ethics

Please read these notes and check out the links below, before preparing and posting your answer to the set question. This document should be regarded as just the start of the discussions, which are then developed over the next two weeks through the conversations themselves and the sharing of further relevant links. These articles are intended to give you a flavour of the topic, and get you started on answering the Topic 4 set question below. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 3

Reading through the blogs of others has caused me to consider new aspects of online authentic profiles that I had not thought of before. In my original post, I highlighted the importance of trying to find a good balance for how much information you should include about yourself on professional social media sites such as LinkedIn – not too little as an employer will want to find out about you, and not too much as you don’t want an overload of information. Continue reading →

My reflections: Topic 3

So what did I find out?  Photo Credits LinkedIn is a must! Across all the blogs I read, everyone has placed an importance on having a LinkedIn account. Of course I was aware that it is widely used in the professional world, however without ever making one for myself I was not up to speeds with its features. Haley & Hannah‘s posts provided really clear information for someone like myself. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflections

This week we were given the task of providing tips on how to build an online professional profile. The importance of an online professional profile is constantly mentioned at networking events so I therefore based my post on exploring tips that I have frequently heard as a law student. From completing this topic I have a better understanding as to what my professional online profile should look like, which will come in handy when I (eventually) create my LinkedIn page. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

Initially, I didn’t realise the benefits of the using a blog instead of a Linkin profile when referring to an authentic profile online. Of course, Linkin is the one of the most conventional and widely used method. However, after researching articles and reviewing videos, it came to light that a blog also has many advantages. I particularly found Emma’s different approach to this question insightful as she went into depth of how to create authentic profile. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

Following this topic, I have now developed my own professional online identity through setting up a Linkedin page. Through my own reading and that of others, I have made this identity as effective as possible in order to make online connections and to stand out to potential recruiters. However, the main learning point for me from this topic was the concept that your online professional identity extends far beyond merely Linkedin. Continue reading →

What Came of Topic 3? (UOSM2008)

If this week’s topic regarding building a professional online profile has taught me anything, it’s that there’s far more to the digital professional world than LinkedIn. There’s Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Pinterest, Instagram, and – to name just a few of the platforms that can be made use of for professional/job-seeking purposes. Before embarking on this topic my LinkedIn profile had a lot to be desired. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

Developing an authentic online professional profile is not an easy task, especially learning that having a LinkedIn is never enough. A lot of what I have read and discussed online has made me rethink about how I should develop a more authentic professional profile. More importantly, it has given me 2 important things to reflect upon. Instead of just promoting skills on LinkedIn, why not through Blogging? Source: Act-On (2015) http://blog.act-on. Continue reading →

Successfully developed a professional profile? Reflection

When writing up my post on creating an authentic professional profile, I immediately thought of LinkedIn. When referring to careers, job hunting etc. online, LinkedIn always popped up somewhere. I guess online users have created the norm to refer to LinkedIn, when thinking of careers online. However, researching this topic and reading other people’s posts,  I never realised that other social media channels, could be used for professional purposes. Continue reading →