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Topic 1 – 50% of the world use the internet… what about the other half?

Digital Differences around the world Accessibility to digital technologies varies in every country. Unfortunately, in LEDC‘s the infrastructure and high costs impact people in accessing technology (Figure 1). Figure 1 – Selection of coutries with varying % of internet users made by William Jones. Map provided by: World with Countries and US, Canadian and Australian States – Multicolor by Data provided by: internetlivestats. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – 50% of the world use the internet… what about the other half?

Digital Differences around the world Accessibility to digital technologies varies in every country. Unfortunately, in LEDC‘s the infrastructure and high costs impact people in accessing technology (Figure 1). Figure 1 – Selection of coutries with varying % of internet users made by William Jones. Map provided by: World with Countries and US, Canadian and Australian States – Multicolor by Data provided by: internetlivestats. Continue reading →

Intro Topic – Reflections on the Module and 1st Post

When first posed the question, “are you a digital native or a digital immigrant?”, I would have hands down said I am a digital native. Being brought up with technology certainly has helped this. However, it wasn’t long before I started doubting my positioning in the groups. The first thing this module required was to set up a blog, for a digital native like I thought I was myself should have been effortless, however, it was the total opposite. Continue reading →

Intro Topic – Reflections on the Module and 1st Post

When first posed the question, “are you a digital native or a digital immigrant?”, I would have hands down said I am a digital native. Being brought up with technology certainly has helped this. However, it wasn’t long before I started doubting my positioning in the groups. The first thing this module required was to set up a blog, for a digital native like I thought I was myself should have been effortless, however, it was the total opposite. Continue reading →

Intro Topic – Reflections on the Module and 1st Post

When first posed the question, “are you a digital native or a digital immigrant?”, I would have hands down said I am a digital native. Being brought up with technology certainly has helped this. However, it wasn’t long before I started doubting my positioning in the groups. The first thing this module required was to set up a blog, for a digital native like I thought I was myself should have been effortless, however, it was the total opposite. Continue reading →

Digital Residents vs Digital Visitors

In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web and 28 years later we live in a society that is almost dependant on technology. Prensky first classified digital users by ‘digital immigrants’ who were brought up with technology or ‘digital natives’ who were born in the pre-digital era. [1] (Figure 1) Figure 1 – Created with Piktochart Many people challenged this theory, as being born outside of the digital age doesn’t make you any less qualified. Continue reading →