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tim berners-lee

I Met Tim Berners-Lee!

I've had an exciting day going up to London to the Royal Society to attend a Web Science panel. There I saw Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web – very exciting indeed. In fact, I even spoke to him and asked, “How do you feel about the non-conformance of W3C Standards with Internet Explorer?”, to which he replied, “Well, I will be using more and more SVGs [Scalable Vector Graphics] … if you're using Internet Explorer, you won't be able to see these pretty pictures”. Continue reading →

Awaiting Exam Results – May Come Out on My Brithday

Time sure flies. I got my previous semester's exam results last month. I always seem to get my Semester 1 results on or around my birthday. It's kind of scary; if the results are good, I would definitely feel like celebrating, but if they're not, it will just ruin my special day. This year, thank God, my birthday celebrations went without a hitch ;) The Students' Union held their elections last month as well. It's funny how all the candidates I voted for LOST. Again. Continue reading →