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I’ve finally started my year-long work placement at IBM

I've finally started my year-long work placement at IBM, and my life's had such a change in format it could easily flesh out a moderately large essay so I'll do my best to summarise everything that's happened here. Firstly (can't remember if I mentioned this whole process before), I had to go to apply online - an extremely long, boring and complicated trek involving copious amounts of personal data entry and various IQ-style tests. Continue reading →

My attitude has definitely been better this semester

Looking at my last post is interesting. My attitude has definitely been better this semester (and I know this because I'm not nearly as stressed) but there is no doubt that it has not improved as much as I'd have liked it to. Despite what seems to be some kind of apathy complex, I've pushed myself to lighten up, get back in touch with people, and work (to some extent). The second half of this year feels like it's taken forever. Continue reading →


This entry is a brief reintroduction for people who have not read my blog before and an indication to its future direction. At this point, I'm a mature student - comes with being ten years senior to most of my fellow students - studying Computer Science, and this will be my third year at the University of Southampton. I've worked in the IT industry as a developer for several years prior to my re-entry into study. Continue reading →

December already…

December already ... So I sit here, just under two weeks to go until the end of term, wondering what to write. My first COMP1004 coursework was submitted on Friday, and based on Eric's response on Friday when I showed him at the end of a lecture, he was quite amused. Since the beginning of the term, Eric has been repeatedly mentioning the MIDI library in Java. I figured it was time to use it. Continue reading →

Moving house

Feeling slightly elated after receiving my results a couple of days ago. Only 40% is required to pass and the grades from this year have no value in the overall degree. Hence, it would have been easy to adopt the attitude that this will be easy therefore only the effort required to do this should be made. To use the vernacular: that would have been something of an epic fail. (Yes, I had to look up 'vernacular' in the dictionary as well. Continue reading →