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There are Lies, Damn-Lies and Statistics, Or Maybe Not

Some people say there are lies, damn-lies and statistics. My computer systems lecturer disagrees. He says there are lies, damn-lies, statistics and benchmarks. After nearly a week spent slowly disappearing under a mountain of chips, wire and code, I've thought up a new one: There are lies, damn-lies, statistics, benchmarks and things-you-wrote-in-your-design-project-plan. The following explanation has been carefully stripped of any direct references to electronic engineering. Continue reading →

The Waiting Game

I’m still waiting in vain for my grades I’m still waiting in vain for my grades From the very same day I finished my exams My heart kept thinking damn I really hope I haven’t failed a thing ye ‘cause ya know I was trying Since then I started checking grades online waiting to see the sign Don’t come to me saying, they’ll be out just now see I need a time and date somehow Because I’m still waiting in vain for my grades I’m still waiting in vain for my grades You see... Continue reading →

Sun Was Shining in Full Splendour

Greetings...Hello Hi....I am baaaaaack! It has been a long time since I posted my previous blog. Well I don’t want to make excuses but I was in trouble, a big trouble ......(BTW, my colleague from my previous job called me a ‘trouble’...:P) It was a pleasant day; there was fresh & sweet breeze blowing, sun was shining in full splendour, there were birds singing songs and we were walking towards a pub, located just behind the university. ....Hmm...somewhat romantic ya....:).... Continue reading →

A Cabinet Minister visits, Student Robotics and Exams

A Cabinet Minister visits, Student Robotics and Exams Last Monday, the UK Governments’ top Ministers all descended on Southampton for a historic first meeting of the Cabinet in the city. After it was over, Lord Drayson the Minister for Science and Innovation, came to ECS and I was one of a privileged few invited to hear him speak and give my views on the state of science, and in particular science education in the UK. Continue reading →

Busy Time During Exam Period

It’s been a while since I last wrote a blog, but with several coursework deadlines, followed by a hectic exam period, I have failed to find the time to write one. The exam period was a busy time, as always, with Part II Computer Scientists having all of their exams in two blocks of consecutive exams, which made revision a nightmare, as it was difficult to choose which module to concentrate on in the days leading up to the exams. It also meant there was very little downtime between exams. Continue reading →

You know you’re an engineer when: You start to lose your audience…

You know you’re an engineer when: You start to lose your audience... I was at home in Marlborough the other weekend, while the country was still being inundated by snow. We were enjoying Second Christmas, a hobbit-esque celebration invented so we could celebrate Christmas as a family; my brother, Will, having returned from New Zealand that week. We were sitting round the table before supper and I took out my new smartphone to send a text message. Continue reading →

Exam Results Being Returned Next Week… Tense Moments

It's been a good while since my last blog entry so I thought I would delight you with an update! So Christmas has been and gone which meant a nice piece of programming coursework which I thoroughly enjoyed writing. The two weeks after the Christmas break marked the end of semester one, which can only mean one thing... Exams! Being my first set of formal exams at university I didn't really know what to expect and more importantly how much revision to do. Continue reading →

Credit Crunch

Overhyped by the media or not, there can now be no denying that we are in the midst of a financial crisis, or ‘credit crunch’ to use the term in vogue. I witnessed this for myself yesterday. You may remember me posting in my second blog way back in October (or if you don’t, scroll down a bit!) that the University’s Science and Engineering Careers Fair was awash with placement opportunities, even for us as first years. Continue reading →

You know you’re an engineer when: You start to scare yourself …

You know you’re an engineer when: You start to scare yourself ... I’m standing in a small metal cabin. I’m at Val Thorens, in the French Alps, as are the couple of dozen strangers who stand and sit around me. We all wear cold-weather clothing: hats of various shapes, scarves or neck-warmers, boots, gloves, waterproof trousers and windproof jackets. Some of us wear sunglasses. Continue reading →