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Busy, busy, busy

As expected, the rest of December and January were hectic. Coursework deadlines hit hard and fast, followed by frantic exam revision. It all culminated last weekend with the final exam being the hardest. The weekend was spent, finally, getting some third year project work done. The questionnaires are going well, though I need to get a move on if I am to get a decent sample. Continue reading →

Exciting Innovation

Over the Christmas period, I was invited to join up with the people I used to work with during the summer at IT Innovation for their post Christmas drinks in Southampton city centre. This gave me the opportunity to catch up with the developments on the projects that I worked on. For those unfamiliar with the work of IT Innovation, the organisation develops ideas from the University in partnership with industry. Continue reading →

2010 – New Year

First blog of 2010 and the first blog of year. Yep, its been hectic and challenging as predicted. I recall telling people that I felt the second year (or part 2 as they say round here) was going to be where we'd be kept busy with everything plus the kitchen sink being thrown at us and it has not disappointed. At this point in time, this is the day after the last of six exams. This is the time where it feels odd not to be revising or procrastinating on revision for some such subject. Continue reading →

Friends in high places!

Meeting Richard Hammond (Top Gear, Braniac, etc), scoring one-hundred percent in two courseworks and landing a job as an assistant programmer for the back-office in retail outlets; guess the connection. When I met Hammond (, I decided to ask him an obscure question which hasn't been asked before: “Do you like guitar hero? I've made a 2D version if you're interested.” His response was “Err... Continue reading →

Long Abscence

It's been an awful long time since my last entry in here, so I thought I should explain what I've been doing with myself since last January. Whilst I've been very lucky to have my parents support me throughout my course (so far!), I've also had a job pretty much since I started at Southampton. My first job involved cleaning lecture theatres after hours. Continue reading →

End of Term

Term came to an end. I went home. And, unsurprisingly, I found it incredibly hard to adjust - nothing is easy when you feel like it's sending you backwards. Where I was recovering from the two-and-a-bit months I'd spent here, I thought I was smacking my personality in the face over and over, and so, naturally, once January appeared I was gagging to get back. Home hadn't changed, save for the urge to be with friends more often. Continue reading →

Stag’s Head Karaoke

Stag's Head Karaoke As usual, last Thursday I headed down to the Stag's Head on Campus for Karaoke. Mark (our DJ) was already there with John from Entz and I decided to give them a hand (I always have done, and it's good fun). Mark told me he'd bought some new discs for the system. The next question was how to import them. Courtesy of a little research I'd done just before Christmas, I knew of PyKaraoke and more importantly, cdgtools. Continue reading →

It’s cold in here!

Mountbatten down the hatches - it's cold in here! I'll admit it, the title's cheesy, but it was necessary. With temperatures below freezing much of the time, and snow and ice everywhere, it was a miracle that everyone made it to lectures over the past few days - but they did! Glen Eyre Road was more like Glen Eyre Ski Slope, and campus more like Southampton Ice Rink, but I think everyone enjoyed it all the same. Continue reading →

Let me introduce myself…

Heyyyy....finally I got the time to write my first blog after a long span of three months. First of all I wish everyone a very warm New Year as it's freezing over here in Southampton. The chilling winters have finally arrived and you can see the roads and the cars under the beautiful white sheet of snow. Making snowballs and throwing them at friends is great fun. As it's my first blog, so I would like to talk something about the University and the all-round atmosphere over here. Continue reading →