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I Met Tim Berners-Lee!

I've had an exciting day going up to London to the Royal Society to attend a Web Science panel. There I saw Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web – very exciting indeed. In fact, I even spoke to him and asked, “How do you feel about the non-conformance of W3C Standards with Internet Explorer?”, to which he replied, “Well, I will be using more and more SVGs [Scalable Vector Graphics] … if you're using Internet Explorer, you won't be able to see these pretty pictures”. Continue reading →

Nerdy Specialist Banter

My first day at work in ECS Helpdesk consisted of mostly nerdy specialist banter*, though I did manage to help a student who couldn't log on to a Mac for some unknown reason. Also whilst I was 'off-duty', I helped one of my friends who had just happened to pick the only faulty monitor in the room - it turns out it was a bad VGA cable, which Toby and I replaced promptly. Continue reading →

ECS Helpdesk

I am now a proud member of ECS Helpdesk. It was a tough battle to get there... I had to submit a decent CV and convince them at the interview I was the man for the job. Blood was spilt and tears were wept (there were loads of applicants), but I managed it! I'll be working for a probationary period on Fridays for just 2 hours. So nothing too demanding. My forte in this position will be solving problems in NetBeans and Eclipse. Continue reading →

Friends in high places!

Meeting Richard Hammond (Top Gear, Braniac, etc), scoring one-hundred percent in two courseworks and landing a job as an assistant programmer for the back-office in retail outlets; guess the connection. When I met Hammond (, I decided to ask him an obscure question which hasn't been asked before: “Do you like guitar hero? I've made a 2D version if you're interested.” His response was “Err... Continue reading →

Christmas Work Load

Last night I was booking my train tickets to go back to my home in Bristol and I was wondering, 'How soon can I come back to Southampton?'. It feels like I haven't been here that long. I'm going to miss the lifestyle of working hard but also playing hard. I realise while the work is challenging it can be fun. I think I'm going to miss arguing about open source software or what the most efficient code is. Still, it's only a few weeks, time will fly. Continue reading →

My First Two-Cents

To this day, it's been three weeks since Computer Science has officially started, and I'm liking it. The programming labs are suitable for everyone of all abilities, even for Java Junkies like myself, there are additional tasks which stretch your abilities. Of course there are also easier tasks for the complete newbie. My last lab session involved me programming a virtual ATM. The basic task was to write a program which does a few very simple sums to deposit or withdraw money. Continue reading →