This 1 year project, funded by BBSRC and led by Professor Orkun Soyer at the University of Warwick, focuses on furthering our understanding of anaerobic digestion, particularly on how the complex microbial communities affect and are affected by operational conditions. Altogether, 16 UK full scale AD reactors are taking part in the project, where both genetic and meta-data are collected weekly. The large amounts of genetic data will allow us to characterise which species of microbes inhabit the digesters, what their functions are and, importantly, how they change over time. The meta-data will allow us to monitor changes in response to their environment. The datasets will be made available through the project website at, funded by the AD Network. These will provide an unbiased and transparent source of information on the performance of industrial AD reactors in real time, which we hope will help to enhance and expand this technology in the UK. Enquiries can be directed to: Prof. Orkun Soyer at Warwick University.
Bangor University LCA Part-time MSc: Scrutinising bioenergy and bio-based products with life cycle assessment
Would you like to learn about LCA methodology?
A part-time MSc module on Carbon Foot-printing and Life Cycle Assessment will be delivered entirely online by Bangor University from January through to April 2017, drawing on freely available online calculators
Bioenergy and bio-based products for the circular economy
According to the IEA, “Bioenergy is energy derived from the conversion of biomass where biomass may be used directly as fuel, or processed into liquids and gases.” Examples include heat from wood pellets, electricity from biogas produced from food waste or crops, and electricity from combustion of straw or miscanthus. Policies to improve security of energy supply and reduce dependence on finite and polluting fossil fuels, exemplified by the Renewable Energy Directive, have been a major driver of the expansion of bioenergy across the EU over the past decade.
Simultaneously, the Circular Economy Strategy is driving the use of bio-based products that can be recycled within biological cycles. A European standard defines “bio-based products” as “products wholly or partly derived from biomass, such as plants, trees or animals (the biomass can have undergone physical, chemical or biological treatment)”. Examples of bio-based products include egg cartons made from grass and recycled paper, and compostable bags made from polylactic acid derived from maize.
Whilst the aforementioned strategies are generally well targeted to improve the sustainability of our economy, they do place additional pressures on farming, and agricultural land resources, to produce the necessary bio-feedstocks. The production of such bio-feedstocks may sometimes be in competition with food production (see Popp et al., 2014), leading to possible “carbon leakage” by displacing food production via international trade (Searchinger et al., 2008). This has led to increasing scrutiny of bioenergy and bio-based products, invoking questions including:
- Are bio-based products more sustainable than conventional products they replace?
- How much land do they require?
- Do they reduce or increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that cause climate change?
- Do they contribute to air and water pollution via leaky nutrient cycles?
- How effective are they at sparing finite resources?
Life cycle assessment
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a rigorous, scientific approach that can be applied to answer such questions based on methodology defined by the International Standards Organisation (ISO 14040; ISO 14044) and, for related carbon foot-printing, by PAS 2050. LCA quantifies the environmental impact (potential) over the life cycle of a product or service. An example is the carbon footprint, expressed as kg CO2e (climate impact potential) of generating one kWh of bio-electricity. LCA may be applied to:
- Benchmark the environmental intensity of bioenergy and bio-products against replaced conventional energy and products
- Identify production strategies that minimise environmental impacts and thus improve the sustainability of such products
Farm stage “hotspots”
Cultivation of bio-feedstocks on farms is usually the hotspot stage in bioenergy and bio-based product value chains, giving rise to the largest share of environmental impact. Agriculture, forestry and land use change account for approximately 25% of global GHG emissions (IPCC, 2014), and approximately half of humans’ wider ecological footprint. This reflects the loss of large amounts of carbon from vegetation and soils when land is converted to agriculture, leaky cycling of nutrients (see the excellent video on nitrogen impacts made by the European Nitrogen Assessment), and the extraction and manufacture of inputs such as fertilisers. Figure 1, below, shows that wood heat has less impact on global warming, fossil resource depletion and acidification than oil heat, but may have a greater impact on eutrophication (nutrient enrichment of waters) than oil heat. The latter impact is highly dependent on farm management and landscape context of willow cultivation; application of fertiliser leads to relatively high eutrophication burdens, whilst planting willow on buffer strips next to rivers can “mop up” nutrients lost from neighbouring food production.
Figure 1. Environmental burdens of heat from wood chips produced using willow cultivated in different ways, and from oil. Source: Styles et al. (2016)
Consequential LCA
Consequential LCA is an increasingly popular form of LCA that expands system boundaries to consider marginal direct and indirect changes incurred by a particular intervention, such as the introduction of bio-feedstock production into a farm system. In a recent study (Styles et al., 2015a) we applied consequential LCA to demonstrate that the introduction of a biogas plant into a large dairy farm to generate electricity from slurry, grass and maize can lead to substantial carbon savings by avoiding emissions from slurry storage and grid electricity generation, but also entails significant risk of large carbon leakage from indirect land use change caused by displacement of cattle feed production to other countries (e.g. soybeans from Brazil). Subsequently, we also found that GHG emissions from indirect land use change potentially caused by establishment of maize monocultures on arable farms to supply large crop-fed biogas plants can outweigh GHG savings from avoiding grid electricity generation. However, if maize is established on small portions of multiple farms as a break crop, optimisation of food crop rotations can mitigate this possible land use change effect (Styles et al., 2015b). Most of the bioenergy carbon calculators available online (e.g. Biograce) do not consider indirect effects, although the excellent Biomass Emissions And Counterfactual model produced by DECC does consider the counterfactual fate of feedstock that is used for bioenergy, such as US forest residues used to substitute coal in the Drax power station.
Would you like to learn about LCA methodology?
A part-time MSc module on Carbon Foot-printing and Life Cycle Assessment will be delivered entirely online by Bangor University from January through to April 2017, drawing on freely available online calculators and the latest research to demonstrate application of LCA to evaluate bioenergy and bio-based product value chains, and their interaction with food production. This module is part of the Industrial Biotechnology MSc, and BBSRC Advanced Training Partnership. Anyone wishing to enrol on the full Bangor or Aberystwyth MSc courses that this module sits within may also be eligible for the new English postgraduate loan. Registration now open, until 6th January!
See also the module on On-Farm Anaerobic Digestion (AD) – May 2017
Careers Fair for Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy Scientists
Our careers fair will provide you with the chance to meet employers face-to-face, to learn about current vacancies and opportunities available, and to market yourself to prospective employers. There are several talks you can attend about the sector and the opportunities within it, along with opportunity to get advice on your CV from professionals.
- Explore careers in IBBE from laboratory based jobs to working as a patent lawyer
- Meet employers with graduate schemes, current and future job opportunities
- Hear from different employers about what it’s like to work for them
- Get feedback on your CV in our one-to-one clinics
- Speak with industrialists in our one-to-one clinics
- Speak with academics in our one-to-one clinics
- Speak to the BBSRC about your future career in academia in our one-to-one clinics
Biofilms Innovation Knowledge Centre Launch – 11 Nov 16 – Register now
BBSRC and Innovate UK would like to announce the launch of the second phase of the UK Biofilms Programme. This will be an approximate £12.5M investment to establish a Biofilms Innovation Knowledge Centre (IKC). The IKC will also be supported by an in-kind contribution of up to £1M worth of High Performance Computing facilities access over five years from the Science and technology Facilities Council (STFC) within the Hartree Centre. For further information see:
The launch event and workshop will take place in London at Amba Hotel Marble Arch on Friday 11 November 2016 from 10.00am to 4pm.
The event will include a series of presentations from Innovate UK and the Research Councils which will provide an overview of the UK Biofilms Programme to date, and specific details on the IKC call opportunity. Importantly, the event will also have dedicated sessions where potential applicants can cover specific questions in detail with the Research Councils and Innovate UK. The Knowledge Transfer Network will also host a workshop session where delegates will get a chance to inform future strategy and plans for the UK Biofilms Programme.
To register for the workshop please use the following link: (an agenda and further details will be sent to registered delegates in the very near future).
Social and political challenges for the bioeconomy, 8-9 Dec 16, Sheffield
CBM Network is holding this two day event at Sheffield. The event will address the challenges facing the bioeconomy related to rapid scientific, technological and social change. It will bring together UK industrial biotechnology leaders and academics to discuss grand challenges and then hopes to forge new collaborations between delegates, who will go on to apply for funding to begin to solve these problems.
The agenda is here.
Registration for the event is here.
Register for On-site Bioenergy: How can farmers benefit, 3 Nov 16, Aspatria Rugby Union Club, Wigton
A unique opportunity to visit one of Britain’s most advanced on-site Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plants at First Milk’s Aspatria creamery and to explore how bio-energy technologies can be deployed more widely in the farming and food processing sectors across the North West.
Anaerobic Digestion of farm manures, food processing wastes and residues extracts bio-energy to form biogas which could be deployed more widely in the UK to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and help cut GHG emissions. Biogas, along with other on-farm renewable energy technologies, reduces farm energy costs and offers an attractive diversification for livestock farmers.
This event, designed for farmers, food processors and others thinking of investing in smaller scale AD, demonstrates how the agri-food sector can increase bio-energy output, turn waste into energy, and upgrade biogas into vehicle fuel. Join us to explore the opportunities for farms to become energy suppliers.
FREE to attend —Lunch Provided. Register here.
Aqua-Enviro European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, Workshop & Exhibition
This premier event, now in its third decade, will be held in Edinburgh on 15-16 Nov 16. Attendees have the opportunity to hear from high-profile industry experts and hear the latest on legislative changes, new technologies, best practice and site experience. The conference is attended by recognised experts from around the world, both as speakers and delegates. More information and booking on their website.
C1 Network Metabolic Modelling Workshop 3 – Nottingham 23-27 Jan 17
Redirecting an organism’s metabolism towards novel products raises a number of design issues. What is the impact of the new pathway on the cell’s energy and redox metabolism? Can the precursor and coenzyme requirements be satisfied? Should some parts of the metabolic network be blocked off to ensure the most efficient routes to the product are favoured? Answering these questions needs tools that can compute and compare feasible routes through the cell’s metabolic network, as well as methods for defining and representing the metabolic network in a way the tools can use. This is the domain of structural analysis of metabolism, and techniques such as elementary modes analysis and flux balance analysis. This combined theoretical and practical course will explain the theory behind these techniques and give hands-on experience of building metabolic network models and calculating feasible and optimal routes through them. It will be presented by David Fell and his colleagues in the Cell Systems Modelling Group of Oxford Brookes University. It covers the same area as the previous C1net Modelling Workshop 1, but is complementary to Workshop 2 on kinetic models.
Free participation, accommodation (for non-local delegates) and meals for members of C1NET or another NIBB network. Participants are required to bring their own laptop (not netbook or tablet). Software will be provided.
When: Monday 23 January 2017, 13.30 – Friday 27 January 2017 13:30
Where: St James Hotel, 1 Rutland Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6FL
For a registration form, visit
Course on Conducting a Life Cycle Assessment: From theory to practical application
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a rapidly evolving tool used to determine impacts of products or systems over a range of environmental and resource issues. Applying this method of assessment is complex and difficult and translating the theory into a credible, transparent and applicable practice can be very challenging.
This short course, developed in collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, consists of two parts. You can book both parts together, or choose to do part 1 or 2 only.
In Part 1 (two days), you’ll develop a solid understanding of the process, data requirements and how to make use of the results. You’ll then get the chance to apply this knowledge to real-life case studies.
In Part 2 (two days), you’ll learn how to apply systems thinking and LCA to assess environmental dimension of circular economy and how LCA can help track performance and prioritize actions relating circular economy programmes in organisations.
For more information, please visit the website.
REA/IBBK UK Biogas and AD Operating and Engineering Course
The next course runs at The Dolphin Hotel, St Ives, Cambridgeshire from 30 Jan 17 to 2 Feb 17. The focus of the course will be on practical digester biology, optimisation of biogas production/utilisation and digestate utilisation. Download more information and the registration form here.