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All Aboard the Pirate Ship?

The movie industry is huge with the global box office making $38bn in 2016 (Statista, 2016). But there is this ‘underworld’ we are probably all part of, illegal online downloads. Pirate Bay, the biggest online site, was seeing 12m+ visitors a day in 2012 (Enigmax, 2012), and the practice has got bigger as cinema cost has risen. Below is a video explaining free movies online, created by me: Source. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Open access can save lives.

Wiley’s video above defines open access as free immediate and available research articles online with free re-use rights. Slideshow 1: The slideshow gives a brief summary of the topic Open Access created by myself (Heer, 2016).  Click to view slideshow. Open access has been extremely beneficial to myself at university. Specifically, as I’m writing my dissertation. Already I have used over 30 various journals, publications and articles. Continue reading →

What to do with your online content?

Making your content freely available is a great tactic to increase potential audience viewers and exposure (PHD Comics, 2012), people are much less likely to buy something before knowing if it’s any good (especially with no free returns). The advantages of open education resources (ERIC, 2012) exceed the producer’s benefit, as a highly educated population is associated with an array of positive externalities (see piktochart). Continue reading →

Topic 5 – Open Access

Content providers spend a great amount of their time researching and writing papers. Although sometimes their work is funded by government bodies, they should also be rewarded for their efforts and have their work recognised. Open Access is about making all scientific research available for anyone from anywhere in the world. Before I continue, below is a quick summary I have made. Continue reading →

Netflix vs Cinema

The world of cinema is slowly moving to the online world with the growth of sites such as netflix, the internet age is catching up with the world of cinema. Demonstrated in the video created by me: Source. With the world increasingly turning to the online world it seem that the world of cinema isn’t exempt either. The box office for cinemas around the world saw a 5.2% fall in revenue in 2014 globally despite the release of some major films like James Bond and Iron Man (Lang, 2014). Continue reading →

Reflection – Topic 4

(ACFE, 2016) This week’s topic gave allot of flexibility on what to discuss. I focussed my blog post on the integrity of employees on social media within the work place. I do think the individual should use their own judgement especially in the modern day where it is all about having a competitive edge. However, I have learnt that there are people who do not act with integrity on social media but thrive, a prime example Kanye West. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 4

For this topic, I picked online privacy as the ethical issue to discuss when it comes to businesses using social media for recruiting. I found this topic to be particularly interesting and enjoyed researching into it. Before, I never considered how much it could be an invasion of privacy when it came to recruiters screening your online profiles and how far they should really be allowed to go. Continue reading →

Reflection Topic 4

I thoroughly enjoyed having a licence to explore an ethical issue on social media regarding its business use. I investigated cookies and how airlines supposedly use them to increase prices of flights when an individual shows repeated interest in them, as well as explaining the beneficial uses that cookies have for a customer. Continue reading →

Topic 4 – Reflection

With a subject more open to individual interpretation, Topic 4 offered a much wider range of different approaches to the post than the previous weeks. Although this led to some interesting reads, ranging from the digital divide to social media in education, it also presented the challenge of being authentic whilst staying within the topical guidelines – something I mentioned I intended to continue from my previous post. Continue reading →

Reflection of Topic 4

This week’s topic is very interesting that made me want to consider more about it. It is a very popular topic in the present because the relationship between parents and kids is a big problem that every family should face it. Trough my research, I found that it is really a difficult choice for parents because the safety of kids is important which we cannot ignore it and we don’t have second time to save our kids when they encounter risks. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary: Topic 4 – The Digital Divide & Use of Cookies

In this task, I took the opportunity to learn about a topic of which I had little previous knowledge; the digital divide. This is an issue of technological disparity both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, my reading of other posts, gave me a greater insight into topics of which I already had some previous knowledge. Davina used her own personal experiences to show an example of the digital divide across nations in the image below that I lifted from her blog. Continue reading →