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Topic five – Is an educational author going to benefit from making their work openly available online?

Introduction Don’t worry, this blog is free to read. Academic literature is a much changing field, with the internet being “frequently compared to the printing press” (Wiley et al, 2012) as a publishing tool, with the cost of re producing books decreasing from $250 (transcribed by hand) to $0.0008 (copying an online version). Continue reading →

Reflection Topic 4

I thoroughly enjoyed having a licence to explore an ethical issue on social media regarding its business use. I investigated cookies and how airlines supposedly use them to increase prices of flights when an individual shows repeated interest in them, as well as explaining the beneficial uses that cookies have for a customer. Continue reading →

Topic Three – Online Professional Profiles

One of the more common messages I receive from my dad these days is along the lines of “get that photo of you with a beer off Facebook, no one will hire you!”. While I’m no raging alcoholic he does raise a valid point, employers are increasingly looking at candidates social media pages (Snowdon, 2011). In fact, 92% of employers would investigate a candidates profile before making a decision on whether or not to employ them according to recruiting platform Jobvite. Continue reading →

Topic Two – More is better? The arguments for and against having multiple online identities

In this day and age you don’t have to be an MI5 agent to legally have multiple identities. While some domains, such as facebook, are creating a greater demand for authentic identities there are many movements to increase online anonymity levels and create a persona which can remain “separate from real life” (Krotoski 2012). There are many reasons people may choose to have multiple online identities, with the main intention being to contain certain aspects to one identity. Continue reading →

Topic One – Reflections

With topic one now complete I can safely say I’ve been exposed to some interesting theories and a refreshing style of learning. The theory of the “Resident” and “Visitor” continuum is conclusively more relevant than the “Native” and “Immigrant” classes proposed by Prensky, with most people placing themselves somewhere on the spectrum rather than simply as one polarised extreme. Continue reading →

Topic One – A New Home? Digital “Residents” and Digital “Visitors”

A home you don’t need a life suspending mortgage for, sound too good to be true?  Digital “Residents” would most likely encourage you to get on this virtual property ladder, while “Visitors” may give slightly more cautious advice on entering this domain. These terms are derived from categories that were theorised in a time before the advent of Myspace (2003), Facebook (2004) and Twitter (2006), which helped give reference to the internet as a living place. Continue reading →