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Reflection on Topic 5

The future of education should not be reliant on researchers being able to purchase their way through all these paywalls. It is impossible to expect our country to make any advances if they put up these barriers to prevent academics collaborating. When researching my university dissertation, I have come across numerous amounts of journal papers voicing the importance of education for an economy and that education is the driving force for economic growth and welfare. Continue reading →

Reflection: Open access – A fiction of our imagination?

The topic of open access to resources is increasingly important with increasing access fees and increased use of the internet as a learning platform. From reading other posts I now further understand the complex issues surrounding how authors pay to have their materials published and from where an income will come. My knowledge of re-use rights is also a lot greater than before this topic and I believe that this plays an important role in open access and how resources are used for learning. Continue reading →

Reflection on topic 5 – open access online – what does it mean? What have we discovered?

    Personally, outweighing the advantages and disadvantages of open access appeared to be such a difficult task. With very little prior knowledge of content producers and the concept of open access, it was insightful and helpful for me to research around before beginning my topic 5 post, and write this in a basic and simplified way. Continue reading →

Taylor Swift and Pay-per-View

I don’t listen to Taylor Swift. This means, in essence, that if I want to listen to music, I can probably find it on Spotify. And that’s great. As a student I pay a mere £5 every month for commercial-free listening to every song in Spotify’s extensive catalogue. Unfortunately, some people enjoy Folk-Pop and that’s where there’s an issue, because Taylor doesn’t agree with the way Spotify, and other services, value her craft. Continue reading →

Topic five – Is an educational author going to benefit from making their work openly available online?

Introduction Don’t worry, this blog is free to read. Academic literature is a much changing field, with the internet being “frequently compared to the printing press” (Wiley et al, 2012) as a publishing tool, with the cost of re producing books decreasing from $250 (transcribed by hand) to $0.0008 (copying an online version). Continue reading →

Topic 5: Open Access

From my own personal experience creating reports and writing essays, I know too well the importance of open access and not being able to access a full journal articles when researching a topic. My info graphic displayed above gives an overview of what open access is, why it is used, who it benefits and who it doesn’t.  To fully understand open access I will be looking deeper into who open access benefits and the biggest challenge facing open access. Continue reading →

Free for All: Open Access

Collaboration is an integral part of being an engineering student. Information and knowledge is frequently shared and traded to achieve specific goals within a project. Often, the medium for collaboration is the internet. An abundance of materials and articles are available to aid not only engineering students, but all students alike, to achieve success within their discipline but it is not always that easy. Most of this information is not free. Continue reading →

Open Access – Academic Content Producers

Introduction (Higher, 2012) The Gold and Green Route (Chase, 2016) Discussion Academics primary reasons for publishing include (Stack, 2016): pursuing their career goals and moving up in the academic post positions. researching to be publish, in order to attract attention and gain credit for their work.  Both quantity and quality which required, to achieve the aim of gaining citations, which add merit (Jobs,2014). Continue reading →

Topic 5

When discussing online content there are positives and negatives to be considered when producers choose to make their content freely available. The PowToon below highlights some of these. In a world influenced by money, it is not surprising that millions of illegally downloaded materials are obtained each day. In a report carried out by MarkMonitor Inc. (2011), they found “of 43 unique sites they observed. Traffic generated to these sites was over 146,000,000 visits per day”. Continue reading →

Consequences of open access to content producers

Open access is the ability for all web users to obtain ‘any digitally-based information they need without encountering a virtual gateway: a password, subscription requirement or payment’ (Guardian, 2014). One advantage to a content producer of open access is the widespread recognition they can receive. Due to the full re-use rights open access entails, content producers will have their research literature cited from scholars and professionals globally (Open Access Explained, 2012). Continue reading →

Topic 5: Open Access

Open access is scientific and technological information that is open for the world to read, access, and build on. They are split into two components: free to read meaning there’s no pay wall, and free to re-use meaning users who have access to the information are able to use new tools to build on top and conduct further research. Journals have long changed from publishing findings through printing and the process of getting it checked over by several people. Continue reading →

Open Access: Good or Bad?

Traditional publishing model which is printing as a book is so complex because you have to consider the details, color and figure etc. With our life starts to enter the digital era, printing books are replaced by internet books gradually. For us, it is the better way because it is more convenience that we don’t have to go to the library or buy the book anymore. However, I believe there are many people once found references for report but discovered many academic articles need to be paid. Continue reading →

What’s this all about then? Pros and Cons of Paywalls: Online Newspapers

As an Economics undergraduate and frequent newspaper reader, I have decided to focus the question posed on the newspaper industry. “Newspaper economics used to be dead simple,” (Preston, 2014). The ways in which Newspapers generated revenue was two-fold: Receipts from the cover-price Payments from advertisers who used newspaper to host its advert. Over the last decade, the news industry has accelerated rapidly towards the digital world. Continue reading →