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Who do you think I am?

Peter Steiner’s cartoon depicts the separation between real life and the old web (Krotoski, 2012), but does this distinction still exist today? Virtual networks were developed in the early 60s. During this time users took a more passive role of simply accessing and consume resources (Costa and Torres, 2011). The previous decade has seen a shift of the role of users within the web, now taking a role of increased interaction through social networking and participation (ibid. Continue reading →

Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity.

According to Internet Society “Your identity is the sum of your characteristics, including your birthplace and birthday, the schools you attended, your shoe size… [etc.]”. These things make up who you are and what you do. Online identity differs from real world identity due to the way people present themselves and the way they interact on the internet compared to real life. Partial identities are all these different representations that make up your identity. Continue reading →

Online Identity

“on the internet, no one knows you’re a dog” (Krotoski, 2012) To me, this phrase summarises the endless possibilities that the internet provides us with. The internet allows us to create as many social ‘identities’ as we want. Essentially, an online identity is the set of characteristics that define you online and make you distinguishable from other users. Each different representation of you online is known as a partial identity (, 2016). Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity.

  Having an online identity is arguably a very recent notion in today’s society. (2011) gives the definition that your online identity is “the sum of your characteristics and interactions – it is not the same as your real-world identity because the characteristics you represent online differ from the characteristics you represent in the physical world”. Continue reading →

Should you have multiple online identities – or any at all?

Online identity is the public information shared about a person and it is proving to be evermore important in the modern day, especially with a lot of first impressions being from social media or online activity. Due to this, it is with increasing importance that we understand that what we share about ourselves online is publicly available not just to friends but to potential future employers. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Online Identity, Is there More than Meets the Eye?

In this post I will be looking at the concept of online identity. This topic is interesting, because everyones online life is like an onion, in which there are many layers that form your overall identity. From Facebook, to your Google searches these all make up your online identity and define you in the online world. Your online identity is built up from what you look at and what you interact with while online. Continue reading →

Create a ‘false-self’ to find ‘your-self’

Nowadays, having an online identity is simply unavoidable. It happens as soon as you create an email account, log into a fitness app, sign up to Facebook or even buy something from Amazon. The definition of online identity can be quite hard to pin down – essentially it is the information that distinguishes you from everyone else and some of this information can change over time (, 2016). Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflection

Before starting the module I was guilty of assuming that this alternative working method in the form of blogs, would be more ‘easy’ than conventional essay writing. I quickly realised however, that just setting up the blog pushed me outside of my technical comfort zone (despite being a digital ‘native’!) and the short word count shocked me into writing in a concise manor, something I had rarely experienced in the past. Continue reading →

Reflective summary: Topic 1 – ‘Visitors Vs Residents’

This has been my first time writing a blog and I even tweeting on Twitter after a very long time! It is enjoyable to be able to express my views on the Web based on the topic set by our Tutors, however, it came with some hurdles as I experienced technical difficulties with my blog being uploaded to the main UOSM2033 page. This meant I was unable to receive comments/feedback from my peers of my blog post but I was still able to read and compare with their blogs. Continue reading →

Reflection of Topic 1

After analysing and producing my first blog post I found some interesting comments left which started to make me think about the validity of my example of a 98-year-old lady. I have to say that after reading my fellow peers Allie’s and Zacwhu’s comments I do still believe that Clara Cannucciari is a strong and solid case to disagree with Presnky’s theory of her being a native. Continue reading →

Reflection: Digital who?

Our introduction to the Living and Working on the Web module was the task of explaining the concept of Prensky’s ‘digital residents’ and ‘digital visitors’, by which those born in the digital age are more digitally fluent than those who have had to adopt it, and whether or not these terms are pertinent. Researching and commenting on something which, on reflection, is an integral part of my own existence was a refreshing undertaking. Continue reading →

Reflections on Topic one

When I first read the topic one question I was unaware of what digital “visitors” or “residents” were. After doing some initial reading, including Prensky’s views, I began to develop some understanding and firmly placed myself into the category of a “native”. I then later began to question my understanding as I was finding myself struggling to navigate my own blog. I had difficulty constructing my blog as well as posting my first topic. Continue reading →

Reflection of Topic 1

It was the first time I heard digital visitors and residents until last week I did topic 1 blog. For me, as a non-native speaker, I have a deep feeling for Prensky’s digital natives and immigrants concept which I mentioned in my blog. I always adapt to environment and everything is brand new for me. I have accent and always translate English to my mother language when I am thinking which is so similar with those people who are called digital immigrants. Continue reading →

Reflections on Topic 1

When I first selected Living and Working on the Web as a module, I didn’t anticipate how hard it would initially be to write that first blog. This was because of my lack of experience in writing a blog and from never having really read/followed one. But after posting my first blog, I felt a relief and confidence about the next few weeks. Topic 1 was about digital ‘residents’ and ‘visitors’ which intrigued me because they were not familiar terms. Continue reading →

Topic One – Reflections

With topic one now complete I can safely say I’ve been exposed to some interesting theories and a refreshing style of learning. The theory of the “Resident” and “Visitor” continuum is conclusively more relevant than the “Native” and “Immigrant” classes proposed by Prensky, with most people placing themselves somewhere on the spectrum rather than simply as one polarised extreme. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection

Topic 1 asked me to engage with Prensky’s digital native and immigrant theory and then the theory of resident and visitor. This topic really opened my eyes to the online world as I never really considered how I used the internet and made me really think about my personal use as well as that of the wider online world. I drew on the world of YouTube and that of Casey Neistat due to the ease of access and what to me was obvious that these theories still remain a little blurred. Continue reading →