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My Reflection about the Perils of Numerous Online Identities

I found this topic really intellectually stimulating because Iā€™ve only thought about it in a black-and-white way before.Ā  Finding readings to evaluate made me more informed, however on a sub-conscious level I probably gravitated towards those I agreed with.Ā  I realised what a valuable learning curve reading othersā€™ blogs to comment on is because it actively challenges my thoughts, especially when those viewpoints are evidenced. Continue reading →

The Perils of Numerous Online Identities

This online identity topic has, much like the digital residents and visitors topic, an element of ambiguity for the different online identities which people can have and the level of anonymity these hold.Ā  An identity refers to what we do and who we are (Internet Society, 2006), so our online identity is an extension of this. Please click on the photo to access the original photo submission. Continue reading →

Think you are anonymous? Think again.

As the ā€œdigital residents and visitorsā€ topic taught us, most web-related subjects are not black or white. Similarly, having multiple online identities is not an absolute debate, but rather serves many purposes, given it is employed properly. Ā But what do we mean by multiple online identities? In this context, its not aboutĀ simply using different accounts … Continue reading Think you are anonymous? Think again. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflections

For this weekā€™s topic, we were given the task of explaining the concepts Digital ā€˜visitorsā€™ and ‘residents’. These terms originally seemed new to me until I realized that they were developments which had been made to the infamous terms of Digital ā€˜nativesā€™ and ā€˜immigrantsā€™ popularized by Prensky. Continue reading →

Reflecting on Digital Visitors and Residents

Iā€™ve discussed the differences in digital competencies of family and friends before, but never knew that there were theories surrounding this until this module.Ā  Iā€™ve since found myself analysing my friendsā€™ online behaviour more, and classifying them as either Digital Residents or Digital Visitors (White and Cornu).Ā  I also looked at my own past online behaviour, mainly through looking at my Facebook timeline, and classified myself as a Digital Resident. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection

Although Topic 1 was about us dipping our toes into the blogging water, it had a great impact on me. At first I was more focused on creating a clear image of what ā€œdigital residentsā€ and ā€œdigital visitorsā€ are. I read through Prenskyā€™s, Le Cornu, and Whiteā€™s papers so I could understand their theories. Continue reading →