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2017, Page 13

Topic 2: Reflection – Who Do You Think I Am?

Figure 1. Piktochart visual depicting improvements. The aim of topic two was to discuss the concept of multiple online identities. Researching for such a broad topic increased my knowledge on how people portray themselves online. For example, an important aspect I expressed in my blog post was the need to stay professional, even on personal accounts (i.e. Facebook). This can reduce the risk of posting compromising content. Continue reading →

Topic 2 Reflection

I really enjoyed this weeks topic on online identities because it highlighted to me the possible negative aspects of having more than one identity and this was something that i had not really considered before, despite the fact i have had many social media profiles on various websites for many years. Therefore I have definitely learned a lot this week. What i did well in my post was have a clear structure. Continue reading →

Reflections: Topic 2

Figure 1. articulates the importance of reflections I thoroughly enjoyed this week’s topic it was intellectually stimulating and something that we can all relate to. Respectively, when investigating multiple online identities, there are many avenues that can be explored and closely related topics that add value. So, I exploited this opportunity by utilising different graphics to maximise my content. Continue reading →

Multiple online identities – a reflection

After reading Ji’s post I was pleased to see that he had also acknowledged that ‘we adopt different personas in the real world’ so why can’t we online? In a comment, I challenged his suggestion that it’s now harder to achieve anonymity online, as there are still outlets to do so such as 4Chan. Ji clarified this, stating that he felt it’s now harder to achieve total anonymity. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

I found topic 2 to be a completely different ball game to topic 1. I felt it was a much broader concept, thus my blog-writing skills were really tested in order to cover as many aspects of the topic as possible. I feel I have progressed with this as I was able to incorporate multiple visuals within the post, solidifying my understanding of the topic and improving my skills within the module overall. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

Looking at the advantages and disadvantages of having multiple online identities appeared to be simple at first glance but there were several new things that I learnt from my own research and seeing other people’s work. Despite being someone that uses the internet daily, I was unaware that every website gathers information and uses it to form an online identity of you. Although it was something I was aware of with sites that I had to register to use, I thought it ended there. Continue reading →

Topic 2 Reflection

I really embraced this week’s topic of the pros/cons of multiple identities as I myself was undecided how I felt regarding the topic of discussion. In reading numerous other blogs it allowed me to gauge other people’s opinions on the matter to better my personal opinion. From interacting with Andy’s blog. I was able to witness a first hand example of a want/need for differing identities. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

I definitely felt the pressure to up my blog-game this week. I enjoyed this topic much more than Topic 1, as I was able to understand how my web use impacts my online privacy. I had a vague understanding about cookies and how websites use them to tailor our online experiences but I never realised how extreme this is. Brad’s comments were interesting, citing an article about how Snapchat can retrieve your digital media despite claiming all media exchanged on the app is deleted forever. Continue reading →

Topic 2 Reflection

Topic 1 provided me with a lot of areas to improve on and so I built upon and worked around these and threw myself into Topic 2! I believe key changes made this week’s blog post more accessible, concise, and original. In terms of progress throughout the week, an exploration of all other blog posts and interactions through comments, aided my understanding of the topic. My post focused on the various benefits and risks of having multiple identities e.g. Continue reading →

Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity…

What is your online Identity? An online identity is a social identity that an internet user establishes and uses when participating in activity on websites and social media. A person can choose an identity that is truly representative of who they are. They can do this by doing things such as using their own photos as display pictures on websites such as Facebook and Twitter and by sharing their own personal opinions and ideas. Continue reading →

Online Identity: Are you who you say you are?

Are you the same person online as you are offline? We live in an era where social media has seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives, thus we have become the ‘internet generation’. Figure 1: Online vs Offline self There is no doubt that the emergence of the web has had a massive impact on the way people connect, interact and share information with one another (Costa & Torres, 2011). Continue reading →

Online Identity: Are you who you say you are?

Are you the same person online as you are offline? We live in an era where social media has seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives, thus we have become the ‘internet generation’. Figure 1: Online vs Offline self There is no doubt that the emergence of the web has had a massive impact on the way people connect, interact and share information with one another (Costa & Torres, 2011). Continue reading →

Topic 2: Online Identities -When “I” becomes “We”

As Internet use became more and more popular, the number of identities created online also grew. In a previous blog post I mentioned the different ways in which people use the web, and how they would present themselves while using it. While people may choose to utilise the web in either a more personal or professional manner, they will be presenting an online identity to all those who go online. Continue reading →

Implications of an online presence

We are constantly warned about how careful we need to be online in order to be safe, but do the majority of us actually listen? Our digital footprints online could be the reason why you didn’t get that job you wanted… Or why your bank account is a thousand pounds down. I’ll be discussing ways to be safer online, and how an online presence can actually be used as an advantage in many ways. Firstly, a few warnings. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Multiple Online Identities

Thinking back to Topic 1’s Digital Resident / Visitor spectrum, your position is likely to affect your understandings of online privacy and identities, the focus of this post. Increasingly, users of the web, especially those involved in the ‘knowledge economy’ and ‘network societies’, are acknowledging the importance of a digital and professional footprint,  online collaboration, and having an identity online. (Costa and Torres, 2011). Continue reading →

Behave! What happens today will be on Facebook tomorrow

What is identity? There is no single definitive definition of identity because of the endless parameters of its meta-physical state (Internet Society, 2011). However, the Oxford Dictionary suggests identity is “the characteristics that determine who or what a person or thing is” (Oxford University Press, 2017). In the 21st Century, everything we do focuses around our online identity. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Online Identities

Online identities, this has been a conversation point for as long as I can remember. Online idents usually have a poor reputation and one often generalises that an online identity is almost a negative phrase. It should only be brought up in references to illegal or immoral actions such as cat fishing or internet fraud.However, your online identity covers all your interactions and digital presence across the web. Continue reading →