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Reflective Summary of Topic 1

The initial question we were tasked with: “Explain the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” drawing upon your reading and your own online experiences to date in support of the points that you make.” After researching the topic and reviewing blogs from my peers I have come to the conclusion that the majority of people are not simply classified into two descriptions; “visitors” and “residents”. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary of Topic 1

The initial question we were tasked with: “Explain the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” drawing upon your reading and your own online experiences to date in support of the points that you make.” After researching the topic and reviewing blogs from my peers I have come to the conclusion that the majority of people are not simply classified into two descriptions; “visitors” and “residents”. Continue reading →

#UOSM2008: Topic 1. Is there a war between digital ‘natives’ and ‘immigrants’? Are you a digital ‘resident’ or a ‘visitor’?

“War between natives and immigrants is ending. The natives have won” – CNN, 2012. Digital Natives.. The digital age in which we live in is constantly expanding. The use of computers, mobiles, tablets is increasing day by day and our reliance on technology is becoming sequentially larger. Marc Prensky originally coined the term ‘digital natives’ in 2001 to those people being born into the innate ‘new culture’ of the technology-powered world. Continue reading →