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UOSM2008 Summarising Topic 2

To summarise my thoughts on Topic 2 is a difficult task as it is an immensely vast topic that raises many questions. I chose to focus on online ‘authenticity’ and online ‘anonymity’ and their respective advantage and disadvantages owing to reading Aleks Krotoski’s piece in the guardian here.Ā You can find my initial thoughts on Topic 2 in fullĀ here. Continue reading →

UOSM 2008 Summary Topic 1

All participants of the curriculum innovation module UOSM 2008: Living and Working on the Web were asked to consider and explain the concept of digital ā€˜visitorsā€™ and ā€˜residentsā€™ drawing upon our own online experiences to date. Each student posted their thoughts and findings on their respective blog, these posts were then aggregated into the main University administered blog and discussion between students ensued. Continue reading →

UOSM2008 Topic 1: ā€œDigital Residentsā€ and ā€œDigital Visitorsā€

Question: Explain the concept of digital ā€œvisitorsā€ and ā€œresidentsā€ drawing upon your reading and your own online experiences to date in support of the points that you make. The concept of digital ā€˜visitorsā€™ and ā€˜residentsā€™ is an extremely useful way of analysing peoplesā€™ online activity, however, it would be most beneficial to think of it as a spectrum bookended by these two polarised terms and to investigate their motivation. Continue reading →