UOSM2008 Reflective Summary -Topic 3

My blog was divided into 3 sections this topic:
1) Summarising why having an professional profile (particularly and authentic one) was important to provide some premise to the next sections
2) How to create one, practical advice and ideas drawing on research
3) Reflecting on my personal experience, as I also wanted to offer ideas which I discovered in the midst of my profile building which may be useful to know from the offset

After posting an idea on twitter and receiving replies I wrote a second blog post reflecting on the experience and expanding my original blog post ideas further, it was a really good example of peer learning and the value of social networks. The feedback from this on twitter and through comments was really positive and Christina Costa shared a really useful link to a theorist with very similar ideas to what I had put in my post.  Essentially, this lead me to expand my idea of not putting false information on professional to include also being mindful of putting up false information accidently -always find an original source and consider whether you have a confirmation bias when researching!

This week I put my blog post up later than intended and I think this has had a detrimental effect on the number of comments compared to usual so I will try and put my next post up a bit quicker. Kaya‘s comment was very positive and she gave me some helpful advice to further my use of the ‘Wordle’ tool I mentioned. It was interesting to see the article Laura linked me in reply to my comment on her blog made use of Wordle.

I had some really good responses to comments I left on other peoples blogs.
Yee-ping and I debated the conversational aspect of twitter; I argued the 140 character limit though concise restricted conversation, could be frustrating and required you to switch social media platforms make full use of conversational opportunities with connections but her counter argument about the uniqueness of twitter as a social media platform I completely agreed with. George also mentions on his post that ‘The power of twitter is in its concise limitations of 140 characters where a person’s understanding and opinion all have to come across in a small package’.
I’m tending towards commenting on Laura’s blog as her replies to comments are generally really helpful. She draws on her own experiences well and provides really interesting and relevant resources/ ideas. I hadn’t considered media market trends before the article she gave me but its such a good idea. Considering how social media platforms might adapt, grow or decline in the future; from a business point of view it makes sense as these ideas can help inform where to invest more resources. The power of research and thinking ahead.

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