Reflection #1

We are approaching end of topic 1 and I have enjoyed beginning the journey of blogging. It has been fun setting up my own blog, finding my classmatesā€™ blogs, and reading what the others have been writing about out of the same topic.

In the beginning I had no idea what to write about, so I turned to my friend the Internet (being a digital resident and a digital native and all that), to find out more about the terms digital resident and visitor to then find out how I could relate to the different terms of web users and where I would fit in.

Reading different blog posts about this topic, I can agree in some of the ā€˜mainā€™ focus on peoplesā€™ arguments; most people donā€™t fit into one of the extreme categories, but rather somewhere in between. I also experience it being difficult fitting one person into one of the categories, so it should perhaps exist some more precise categories so everyone could fit into one each. The challenges about this, is that it is difficult to measure how people use the internet compared to offline medias, and how much they actually turn to the internet in different situations.

It was also interesting seeing how the other students of the UOSM2008 module decided to answer the questions given. A lot of us had many similar views and arguments, and I also noticed a few differences in the way we all decided to answer the questions and write about topic 1 on. Another way I gained some insight into topic 1, was the comments we were sharing on each others blogs, giving us the opportunity to share our views and arguments on the way that person decided to answer the questions on and getting things more explained if anything was unclear. When I received comments on my post, it allowed me to give a more in depth explanation on different areas of my text without my main text being too long. It has been very interesting working on the first topic of this module and I look forward starting the next one.

– Kaya

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