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And Breathe

And breathe. This semester has been an absolute test of sanity and friendships. I admit it has also been more eventful than it really needed to be, which didn't help much to be honest, however, it's a good skill to be able to focus on your work regardless if you can do it. First the sanity; the workload this year has been quite high. We had loads of coursework (eleven I think) and then you're also expected to do extra reading around the subject and have time to do paid-work. Continue reading →

Summer Term is here!

The summer term has started, and I have been welcomed back with an ever-increasing workload. A couple of pieces of coursework, a few labs for various modules, class tests for others, and revision beginning soon. It’s good to be back. No, really. The cricket trials were held for the University team over the last five days of the Easter holiday, and were great fun, despite some sore muscles and joints after a couple of five or six hour days. Continue reading →