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Exam Results Are Back!

Today was a very eventful day. Aside from the less obvious (the music DVD I won arriving in the post) we got our exam results back! Looking back to a month ago (already?! these four weeks passed in an instant really!), when everybody was struggling to cram as much as possible into their brains, I have to say I enjoyed the exams. It was inevitably stressful and didn't always go as planned but in a way it was something familiar. Continue reading →

Working at IBM

Work continues steadily at IBM. If I told you what I was actually doing I'd have to kill you - such is confidentiality - and I'd prefer not to have to trace the IP of everyone who visits this blog and hunt them down with some futuristic weapon that nobody knows about yet either. I've always thought there were two major points I'd have to consider when considering a role in a company: firstly, how technical it is, and secondly how artistic it is. Continue reading →

I’ve finally started my year-long work placement at IBM

I've finally started my year-long work placement at IBM, and my life's had such a change in format it could easily flesh out a moderately large essay so I'll do my best to summarise everything that's happened here. Firstly (can't remember if I mentioned this whole process before), I had to go to apply online - an extremely long, boring and complicated trek involving copious amounts of personal data entry and various IQ-style tests. Continue reading →

My attitude has definitely been better this semester

Looking at my last post is interesting. My attitude has definitely been better this semester (and I know this because I'm not nearly as stressed) but there is no doubt that it has not improved as much as I'd have liked it to. Despite what seems to be some kind of apathy complex, I've pushed myself to lighten up, get back in touch with people, and work (to some extent). The second half of this year feels like it's taken forever. Continue reading →