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Electronics and Computer Science, Page 8

Jumpstart Again, But This Time I was a Helper

Jumpstart I didn't fail the first year, instead this year I was a helper. The day involved collecting my group from the introductory lecture, making ourselves lunch and then exploring Southampton in the city challenge. This year was a little different to last, instead of taking pictures of particular places around the City we had to create a story in pictures which incorporated certain places. At first we struggled to come up with an idea for the story but we got there eventually. Continue reading →

ECS On a Musical Tour

When I left it last time, we still weren’t completely sure if our tour was going to be able to go ahead
but fortunately all the paperwork was completed in time, and so off we set the following morning. Things didn’t start off too well, with horrendous traffic causing us to miss our ferry from Dover to Calais, but a couple of hours later we finally made it to France. Continue reading →

Performance and concurrency

Performance and concurrency A technical post today, methinks. After having been assigned to my project supervisor for next year, it seems the thing we are most compatible on is exploring concurrency patterns in software. To that end, I have been researching some of the issues surrounding concurrency by analysing the design of some of my code at work. I am not at liberty to post real source code, so I have given the architectural overview below. Continue reading →

Programming Modules

So I make it about time for another overdue entry... I'm now approaching the end of semester 2, which is the end of the first year - how crazy is that!! The second semester has been much more Computer Science based, even though I'm a Software Engineer I'm on the Comp Sci course for the first few years. I've especially enjoyed the Advanced Programming module (COMP1003) on Java and the courseworks have really progressed my Java skills. Continue reading →

Computer Systems Engineering Lab Partner

“Oh yes,” says my lab partner, taking his hand slowly off the dials of our laser-powered-communications-testy-ma-thing. “I am the MASTER of fine adjustments!” It had sort of got to that point. You can only spend so long meticulously observing “laser safety” before the insanity starts to creep in. It didn't help that we were all made to swear oaths of blood (alright, maybe just sign forms) promising the following: 1. I will not undertake any laser work without a supervisor. 2. Continue reading →

Getting Ready for the Exam Period

I'm writing this in the middle of the Easter break. The draft timetable has come out and suddenly it's evident that the end of the academic year is approaching quick. In fact, I needed to remind myself it was April. The exam period begins at the end of May. As with all exam periods, this could be a little stressful, so I intend on getting the work in over Easter and hopefully not finish the term in a mad rush. Campus is relatively quiet as you would expect. Continue reading →

Writing My Own C# Game

I'm typing this on my netbook, surrounded by piles of a teenage boy's laundry. Next to me, someone is fighting off a combination of head-grabbing aliens and gas-mask wearing policemen (courtesy of Microsoft's Xbox360) while, somewhere in the distance, a King Charles spaniel snuffles around looking for a free meal. I must be home for Easter. There's always something a little weird about arriving back at the parents' house after being away all term. Continue reading →

Cryptography and Other Projects

It’s now exactly 6 months since I started at Southampton – boy does time fly when you’re having fun! I can clearly remember sitting in the car half a year ago, not quite sure what I would find here, but half a year down the line I can honestly say I am having the time of my life. Indeed, it is currently our Easter holidays and it seems really strange being at home and not being able to just wander into Zepler or my flat whenever I please. Continue reading →

Busy Time During Exam Period

It’s been a while since I last wrote a blog, but with several coursework deadlines, followed by a hectic exam period, I have failed to find the time to write one. The exam period was a busy time, as always, with Part II Computer Scientists having all of their exams in two blocks of consecutive exams, which made revision a nightmare, as it was difficult to choose which module to concentrate on in the days leading up to the exams. It also meant there was very little downtime between exams. Continue reading →

Credit Crunch

Overhyped by the media or not, there can now be no denying that we are in the midst of a financial crisis, or ‘credit crunch’ to use the term in vogue. I witnessed this for myself yesterday. You may remember me posting in my second blog way back in October (or if you don’t, scroll down a bit!) that the University’s Science and Engineering Careers Fair was awash with placement opportunities, even for us as first years. Continue reading →