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UOSM2008 – The Final Blogpost

Over the course of this module I have considered a variety of aspects of the online world, including Digital Residents and Visitors (Reflection), Online Identity (Reflection), Authentic Professional Profiles (Reflection), Ethics on Social Media (Reflection) and Open Access (Reflection). For a comprehensive review of these subjects and what I have learned from them for future use, please enjoy the podcast below. Alternatively, read my previous posts which are linked to during this paragraph. Continue reading →

Open Access – Reflection

Prior to studying the topic of open access for this module, I was largely in favour of open access. Having studied the arguments around the issue I find myself more firmly believing open access is an essential part of the online world. Arguments expressed in this video particularly grew my belief in open access, particularly those about education and research. Continue reading →

Online Content – Should it be free?

Β The internet has opened up many different potential channels through which to distribute content. One of the channels which grew widely is that of freely available content; with websites such as Youtube, Tumblr and WordPress making it possible for opinion, news and academic content to become widely available at no cost to the content creator or to the recipient of the content. Continue reading →

Online Content – Should it be free?

Β The internet has opened up many different potential channels through which to distribute content. One of the channels which grew widely is that of freely available content; with websites such as Youtube, Tumblr and WordPress making it possible for opinion, news and academic content to become widely available at no cost to the content creator or to the recipient of the content. Continue reading →

Ethics and Social Media

In my posts for topic 2 and topic 3, I considered an aspect of the Justine Sacco incident from 2013 and the risks posed by being a personal presence on social media. In this post I intend to further delve into the ethical aspects of social media, both for individual professionals seeking to use it for business purposes and from the perspective of social media firms. Firstly, I would like to consider another incidence of public shaming which led to job losses. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

In this topic I have considered the ways in which an authentic online professional profile can be developed. In my initial post I outlined a few simple aspects of a professional online profile, including the need for consistency, identifiability, trustworthiness and the importance of searchability. (Made my me for my first post on this topic, 2017) A blog post by Caiti led to me considering the alternative perspective on an online profile in my first comment. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Reflection

In this topic I have considered the ways in which an authentic online professional profile can be developed. In my initial post I outlined a few simple aspects of a professional online profile, including the need for consistency, identifiability, trustworthiness and the importance of searchability. (Made my me for my first post on this topic, 2017) A blog post by Caiti led to me considering the alternative perspective on an online profile in my first comment. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Authentic Professional Profile

(Video made by me, images used in video linked below) In the video above I consider the key elements of a professional and authentic online profile. In this post, I will be considering the ways to set up such a profile. Firstly, based on my work on Online Identity, I would advise keeping this profile separate from personal use profiles due to the added security of mistakes being more private and difficult to track for professional contacts. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflection

In my original post I considered the concept of Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants and compared it to the concept of Digital Residents and Digital Visitors. I also briefly considered the importance and advantages of having such ideas about online usage from a web designer perspective, as it is greatly to the benefit of the users that sites are designed with their capabilities in mind. Continue reading →

What do we mean by Digital Visitors and Digital Residents?

Digital Visitors and Digital Residents are two terms coined to replace the idea of Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives. The original terms, as described in the image below, are considered to be out of date and not descriptive enough of the ways different individuals interact with the internet, particularly as there is not such a clear grouping of people in the online world. Continue reading →