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Topic 2 2016, Page 9

How many of ā€œyouā€ are there online?

What does facebook, Instagram and Twitter all have in common? It is what the user decides to post and their interaction with other people on the relevant platforms that defines who they are online. But is this online persona a true representation of who they are offline? Or have we entered an era where the web (with its anonymity) has become a haven for people to be their true self.   I for one am against having more than one online identity. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Is Having More Than One Online Identity Good?

Source: In today’s world, billions of people around the world are able to access the Internet. In fact, studies has shown that there are currently 40% of the world’s population who are connected to the web (Source: Ever since the rapid increase of Internet users over the years, it was only a matter of time before online identities were created, changing the way people communicate, learn, work and connect. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Which is the real me?

(Source: Wikipedia) Before Facebook and Google became the megaliths of the internet, the famous online adage was, “on the internet, no one knows you’re a dog” by Peter Steiner in 1993. The cartoon hit homeĀ with theĀ wariness about the facile facade that could be thrown up by anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of html. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Which is the real me?

(Source: Wikipedia) Before Facebook and Google became the megaliths of the internet, the famous online adage was, “on the internet, no one knows you’re a dog” by Peter Steiner in 1993. The cartoon hit homeĀ with theĀ wariness about the facile facade that could be thrown up by anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of html. Continue reading →

Having Multiple Online identities ā€“ Am I still who I am?

Online identities refer to how users createĀ distinctive characteristics, personalities and signs to author our presence in the Web (Angela Thomas). People adopt multiple identities simply due to anonymity and control over personal we can made available online, separating private life from professional sphere of our lives.Ā I represent myself very differently in my anonymous (Tumblr) and authentic profiles (Facebook). Continue reading →

Discuss the arguments for and against having more than one online identity

Before delving into the discussion, the meaning of having an online identity must first be ascertained. So what is that? The sum of characteristics and interactions from each website the user visited, known as partial identities and this collective perception makes up their online identity. (1) It is vastly different from the actual identity of the person because the sum of partial identities doesnā€™t accurately represent the true nature of a person. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Single or Multiple online Identities?

An online identity is not only a social media profile that we use. Online identities can also be used for functions such E-Commerce and Online dating. Online services have all developed technology that allows for customers to create profiles. This therefore, gives the customers a choice of portraying themselves in different personas. The question raised due to the accessibility of these services is the legitimacy of the information and persona put out on the digital platform. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Should we have ā€˜Oneā€™ or ā€˜Multipleā€™ Online Identities?

  Source: (Different online identity): Miranda vs Colleen ā€˜ā€˜Is this really her?ā€™ā€™ We mostly come across this question when we see this, which brings us to todayā€™s discussion: ā€˜Should we have multiple identities online?ā€™ An online identity may consist of various partial identities that represent us in different specific situations. [1] To me, it is usually associated with what we want our audience to see. Continue reading →

Do YOU have multiple online identities?

Who are you when you go online? Itā€™s a question that affects how we perceive and communicate to one another in the world of social media networks (Samuel, 2012). In a way or another, one seem to be carrying varying identities on the different social media networks. The reason is simple ā€“ people have distinct and rich lives which cannot be accommodated within a single persona. The different social accounts actually reflect different parts of our personas, says Mallory John (Lee, 2016). Continue reading →