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Topic 5: Reflection

The concept of open access can be integrated into a lot of things that are available on the internet. A lot of discussions have occurred on whether or not implementing this concept will take away the livelihood and motivation of individuals. The concept of making content free and available for everyone to use has many consequences at the same time can provide benefits. Continue reading →

Topic 5: The number one problem students face.

(Introduction to Open Access in Education) Open access is defined as the free unrestricted access to scientific and scholarly with the use of the internet and traditional publication methods. This is a definition that can be found in many public statements. As students when searching for articles for research we are often encountered with the problem of not accessing articles without paying a certain fee. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Reflective

With the new developments in technology companies are becoming more innovative and skilful in performing functions. It is visible throughout the different functions of the company. Unfortunately, some of these new innovative ways aren’t really the most ethical. When looking into the function of marketing it was evident in according to Angelines‘ blog that some companies use “unannounced” endorsements. Continue reading →

Topic 4: They are watching you

(Image Credits: The verge ) I need to be honest about something. I work freelance in social media advertising and am a part of two online startups. How do I know what are the trends? Pretty simple. Pay for information. Analyse trends on what you share and what kind of posts you click on. It helps us to judge and predict behaviour and in some cases actually “provide everything the customer needs”. Continue reading →

Topic 3 : Reflective Summary, Digital Footprint and ensuring Jobs.

This is a very important topic especially for undergraduates who are looking into stepping out into the working world. By reading and doing research and in the process of writing the post I was able to garner a lot of knowledge into how to better manage my social media and digital footprint. As I’ve mentioned in my introductory self-evaluation I am someone who is very careless when it comes to what I share on my social media profiles. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Do you want a job? Maybe you shouldn’t share those memes!

  “Today’s workplace should look more like a jazz band rather than a Dilbert-style bureaucracy that looks more like a dysfunctional marching band.” (Don Tapscott CEO, The Tapscott Group ) the work environments of the smart companies of today consists of creativity, peer-to-peer collaboration empowerment and improvisation. Managers and employees work together to create the perfect result for the company. Continue reading →

Topic 2 : Reflection; Am I one or many?

  Multiple online identities and arguments for and against this topic is a vast and in depth topic. I’ve learnt to appreciate users who value their privacy on forums and started to respect that this is because of very good reasons such as the topics discussed being sensitive and also due to government surveillance. I was also able to determine the risk of storing personal information in one single online identity . Continue reading →

Topic 2: Single or Multiple online Identities?

An online identity is not only a social media profile that we use. Online identities can also be used for functions such E-Commerce and Online dating. Online services have all developed technology that allows for customers to create profiles. This therefore, gives the customers a choice of portraying themselves in different personas. The question raised due to the accessibility of these services is the legitimacy of the information and persona put out on the digital platform. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection on the concept. What did I learn?

Almost everyone has used the information sources provided Classmates used personal examples and opinions in explaining terms Importance of these two categories in digital marketing So now it’s time to reflect on what I’ve learnt from the first topic Digital Residents and Visitors. You’d be able to find a few of the important things that I’ve learnt from reading through blogs of some of my classmates and my own self-evaluation on the topic and areas of improvements for future posts. Continue reading →