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Topic 2 2016, Page 10

Topic 2: Who EXACTLY are you on the Web?

[Source:] First and foremost, watch this video on “Who is the Real You?” “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog” is an adage which began as a cartoon caption by Peter Steiner (1993). The Internet allows us to create as many social ‘identities’ as we want. Many a times, people post with pseudonym and anonymity. Continue reading →


  Credits: Flickr/ricky montalvo Ever felt that there was someone spying on you from behind the screen of your laptop, computers or phones; or believed that what we do online is being recorded or known to someone else? Our imaginations are no longer fictional; it has become a reality that affects our personal life. Everything that is done online is logged and are stored as ‘cookies’ in a database that tracks our interactions by data management firms. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Having more than one online identity?

The Internet has revolutionized the way people interact and communicate with one another. Social media has become a trend and majority of people have hopped on the bandwagon. Now, it is rather common that most of the people owns at least one social media account, where they will create an online identity to manage and represent themselves. There are so many social media users in the world and each of the users have their own purpose spending time on the web. Continue reading →

Let’s talk about You; and hundreds other perceptions of you.

When I was in my teen years, I remember getting upset when people try to ‘label’ me based on what they know, especially if the label wasn’t what I thought of myself. Truthfully everyone gets a little defensive, that’s why we work so hard to create good first impressions and consistently maintain a certain image we see ourselves as. Today we’re talking about managing online personas in particular. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Is having more than one digital identity advantageous? #mang2049

Before I touch on this topic, I would like to explain the definition of Digital Identity. To put it in short, Digital Identity is known as Identity 2.0 which is the evolution of identity online. An individual can have one, or multiple identities on the web as preferred. For example, an individual can choose to be an anonymous user on Carousell, and have multiple active social media accounts like Instagram and Twitter. Continue reading →

Topic 2: More than one online identity?

What is an online identity? Online identity is the sum of your characteristics and interactions. That consists of every credit card transaction, uploaded photo, shared social post, social login, sent email, and site cookie. (Mark Bregman, 2014) (Source: Wikipedia-Peter Steiner’s cartoon, as published in The New Yorker) One of the reasons for having more than one online identity is anonymity. Continue reading →