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Topic 2 2016, Page 5

Reflective Summary for Topic 2

Personal identities, online and in the real world. No matter how many partial identities one have, they all add up to a single person’s identity. While browsing through the thoughts shared by other classmates, there are varying views and perspectives on the pros and cons, or the like or dislikes in the social media world, of having multiple online identities. Continue reading →

Topic 2 : Reflection; Am I one or many?

  Multiple online identities and arguments for and against this topic is a vast and in depth topic. I’ve learnt to appreciate users who value their privacy on forums and started to respect that this is because of very good reasons such as the topics discussed being sensitive and also due to government surveillance. I was also able to determine the risk of storing personal information in one single online identity . Continue reading →

Reflection: Who are you online?

It was interesting to find out the different views regarding having one or more online identities, but one similar opinion across most people would be the reason why people do so: To separate work and personal lives. Many are worried as to what their superiors think of their individual opinions and lifestyle and fear that this would affect their work expectations and performance. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflection

There are pros and cons for having more than one online identity. Personally, after reading my classmate’s posts regarding this topic, I do not see much of an issue with having multiple online identities as long as one is able to manage it and not fall off the deep end. On XinHui‘s post, she mentioned about the effect of having more than one online identity on mental health. Continue reading →

Reflection On Topic 2: Is Having More Than One Identity Good?

Source: We’re now on to our 2nd topic and it has indeed, been pretty fun discovering and learning about the personas that we have online. Seemingly like we’re merely owning accounts on different sites, without this module topic to get us thinking, we wouldn’t have realise that we’re splitting ourselves into having multiple online identities. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Reflective Summary

(Source: Presto) To be completely honest, there will always be a constant debate on whether online identity should reflect authenticity or anonymity. Whether to stay authentic or be anonymous, the most crucial focus would be for every one to play their part to keep the internet a safe place against internet threats like cyber-bullying, phishing and identity theft, which are majorly on the rise in the current era due to the advancement of technology. Continue reading →


Is having more than 1 online identities good or bad??? It did not occur to me that having multiple online identities would affect me in one way or another. To me, social media was just platforms that I use to share stories about myself and my life. After visiting XinLin’s blog, I then realised that unknowingly we have created various online identities for ourselves. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – WHO are you in the virtual world?

Is the person inside the digital world a PERSONA that you have created; or is it who you REALLY are? Tinder is a popular dating application that allows users to “match” with each other based on their social profiles. Today, we have many Tinder users who create an online identity in order to attract other individuals. Dailymail UK  (2016) has uploaded an article that has collated a few posts of Tinder profiles versus them in real life. Continue reading →

Who are you in the virtual world?

There are so many social media platforms that makes creating different online personas possible. Is having more than one online identity for the better or worse? According to internet society, Online identity is the reflection of your characteristics and interactions you represent online. It is hard to define our online identity because you interact and display different characteristics at different platforms. Continue reading →