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Topic 1 2016, Page 8

Old People Just Don’t Get It!

“Sweetie, how do I start using Facebook?” a common question parents direct to their child during this day and age. We often possess the notion that old people just don’t get it, and by “it” I refer to digital technology. Prensky (2001) explains that digital users can be classified into “Natives” and ” Immigrants”, and how a user is classified will be relative to their age. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Digital ‘Visitors’ & ‘Residents’

Question: Explain the concept of digital “visitors” and “residents” drawing upon your reading and your own online experiences to date in support of the points that you make. (Credit: Associated Press) This is Kim Kardashian West, a Hollywood star with her own reality show, and almost 150 million followers on her Twitter and Instagram accounts combined. When I read about the existence of a digital ‘Resident’, she was the first person that came to mind. Continue reading →

Passing By or Stopping By?

Good evening readers, today I attempt to explain digital “residents” and “visitors” with some personal examples. To give a brief explanation, digital residents and visitors describes a range of online engagement, understanding one’s motivations when using a web in different contexts. The description of digital visitors by David White is eerily similar to my Mother. Continue reading →

Topic 1 : A practical example to digital Residents and Visitors

The concept of digital “Visitors” and “Residents” have been explained in different ways in different academic papers. What I aim to do is to put this into practical examples by taking two different individuals that live different lifestyles to distinguish between these terms. Casey Neistat an influential “Youtuber” and one of the founders of the social media network Beme built a career on the internet with the help of different tools that is available. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Are You A “Digital Visitor” Or A “Digital Resident”?

In today’s ever changing world with technology advancements, people of all ages are armed with at least 1 mobile phone and laptop each. Seriously, kids these days aged 5 years old would be armed with their very own iPad with Elmo singing the ABCs while a 5 year old me in the past would be probably eating sand in the park. From what I know between a “Digital Visitor” and a “Digital Resident” is simply like its name derivation. Continue reading →

Topic 1: “Digital Visitors” and “Digital Residents”

“Digital Visitors”: Individuals who use the Internet as a tool in an organized manner only when the need arises. They always have an appropriate and focused need to use the web but don’t ‘reside’ there. “Digital Residents”: Individuals who live a percentage of their lives online. The web has become a crucial aspect of how they present themselves and how they remain part of networks of friends or colleagues. Continue reading →