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Topic 4 2015, Page 6

Topic 4 – Can i get fired by what i post online? even when i’m off-duty?

Pro and cons of social media creates a love-hate relationship for social media in the workplace. Companies start to watch the employee’s usage of social media both inside and outside company. Organizations struggle to keep pace with the evolving technology and employers find it difficult to balance the competing interests of an employee’s privacy against the employer’s security [1]. Creating awareness for labor law of social media and social media regulations. Continue reading →

How Social Media Fuels Customer Complaints

Everyone has a voice on social media.  People on social media feel like “mini celebrities” as they are aware that their actions and activities online are being closely followed. This catalyses confidence behind the screen of which many hide. Years ago, your complaint would only be noticed if you were public media. Now, if a consumer is dissatisfied with something, they now use social media as an outlet to complain and vent their frustration. Continue reading →

“Employees” Behind-The-Scenes

(Source: Real Match) To your surprise or perhaps not, there are many unknown online rangers that are consciously/subconsciously”working” to generate ‘User-Generated Content’ (UGC) for established companies. If you’re unfamiliar with this term, this video will give a clearer picture: (Source: Imagine Easy Solutions) UGC can be translated into many different forms as depicted from the video. Continue reading →

Topic 4: Is it Ethical for Brands to incorporate user generated contents under their names?

Sourced from: Consumers can be content creators of today. GoPro’s content marketing strategies encourages and attract users to generate contents for them with a webpage to showcase the most captivating videos captured by their users. In return, they promise global exposure and monetary incentives for the best videos in competitions such as the annual GoPro awards. Continue reading →

The Effect of Social Media – Are what we’re doing alright?

About 15-20 years ago, many of us live only in the physical world with no internet or social interaction using technology (except Telephone). Today, there is an estimate total of 2,925,249,355 internet users worldwide, and 4,453,859 of them are in Singapore. Isn’t it scary how fast technology has changed us? Here’s an interesting Info-graphic on usage of social media
 Image by: Digital Insights As you can see, we are living part of our lives in virtual world, in social media. Continue reading →

Topic 4 – Utilization of Catastrophe

Photo Credit: Forbes via Goggle Social media sites provides the platform for business growth due to the large pool of audience as shown in the graph and helps to reach the desired customers segments. This platform helps business to connect with their customer’s profiles of various multiple online identities to increase sales and publicity. The symbolic ethical issue would be the utilization of others catastrophe. Continue reading →

Will your information published be censored?

Source: 404 error pages Have you ever encountered a page error like this while serving on the Internet? It may be a censored webpage. Censorship of information on the Internet can also mean the consistent actions of monitoring, filtering and web blocking by government and/or private companies. They secretly spy on you through information stored in the Cookie and monitor your actions accordingly. After all, the Internet isn’t as free and open as one might think. Continue reading →

Buying ‘followers’ + Buying ‘likes’ + Buying reviews = Ethical?

Is my equation correct? I have always wondered how some social media accounts that I chanced upon have so many ‘followers’, but in contrast have very little ‘likes’ on their posts. (Credit: Google Images) Well, those followers are fake. But “bots” are definitely real. Bots are dummy social media accounts that are used to boost a company or a user’s ‘following’ in exchange for money. Continue reading →