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My #mang2049 experience

(created by S.Sutanto, 2015) Time sure flies. After two weeks of packed schedule that require us to be online much more than ever. Suddenly it is the end of this module. Living and working on the web allows learning and collaborating without boundaries. Our daily hangout is short, efficient, yet memorable. Below are the purpose of #mang2049 Does it attained ? for me it is definitely yes. Continue reading →

just open it !

Video above that i come across from Jierun’s post give me a clearer picture of Open Access. Apparently journal published under Open Access also being peer reviewed. Which means there is a quality control.  CreativeCommons will give more control for authors regarding copyright issues. In other hand, maybe government can build an organization in charge of Open Resource Education that will control the funding, managing, and the publication of journals and articles. Continue reading →

Does Open Access benefit all stance?

What is Open Access? Open-access literature is digital, online, free of charge, free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. It removes price barriers and permission barriers. Open Access is not limited to literature. It is also applicable for digital form like image, video, audio, or software. [1] Advantages of Open Access for research articles: Extremely efficient and affordable sharing will allow advancement in research. Continue reading →

what’s allowed and what’s not allowed

Source: What is ethical? what is unethical?  Quoting from Kai’s post, Jay Shepherd summarizes it in one sentence – “it’s like pornography: you know it when you see it. It’s as simple as knowing the right thing to do, then doing the wrong thing” The way individual defined ethics affected by socio-cultural effect. Continue reading →

Topic 4 – Can i get fired by what i post online? even when i’m off-duty?

Pro and cons of social media creates a love-hate relationship for social media in the workplace. Companies start to watch the employee’s usage of social media both inside and outside company. Organizations struggle to keep pace with the evolving technology and employers find it difficult to balance the competing interests of an employee’s privacy against the employer’s security [1]. Creating awareness for labor law of social media and social media regulations. Continue reading →

Digital platforms bring more opportunities than i thought !

On my previous post, i miss out other opportunities digital platforms offer in curating our online professional profile. Social media gives us the opportunity to create a unique resume and how different individual fits to different platform. From Patrick’s blog, i learned how personal brand might also work in conjunction with business brand. Digital platforms also allow us to present our resume in a distinct way. Truly shows our value, not only based on our education and work experiences. Continue reading →

Google your name! Are you there ?

Online profile is about our reputation and visibility in digital world. Using it as our marketing campaign to create awareness of us, promote and sell ourselves to the employer. Before i start this program, i could not find anything when i typed my full name. Reason behind, i use my nickname and different username all over my online platforms. Now, to create consistency i integrate all my online platforms by using my full name. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Reflective Summary

Comments that i receive got me reflect on several things. First, i haven’t really emphasize my reason and personal experiences regarding personal identities. Second, i haven’t really think how personal identities linked to marketing perspectives. Integrating your personal life and your work life does not mean it will invade your privacy. For example bubzbeauty, fourfeetnine, and timothytiah. They are could be said blogger while TimothyTiah is a co-founder of Netccentric. Continue reading →

pro and cons of online identities

Identity is a complete set of characteristics that define you.  Consist of partial identity, profile, and persona that’s referred by identifiers. Internet usage as a space evolve over the year. From passive approach, where we use internet to gain information to interactive approach, where we collaborate. Move forward, now it is Human Computer Interaction era where it used for social networking and peer participation. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflective Summary

After reading the source given and do my own research. Now i realize there is different kind of internet user based on their culture and motivation. The most meaningful experience of this topic is when we get the opportunity to relate each’s experiences, views, and collaborate through comment with each other. After reading my colleague’s blog-post i realize i haven’t fully utilize all sources available and could have done better.I have read several posts from my colleagues. Continue reading →