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Topic 1 2015, Page 4

Topic 1 – Reflective Summary

After reading through my colleagues’ blog posts, questions start popping up in my mind, stringing thoughts that were previously off my mind. As I understand deeper and further from the post on Emilia’s wordpress, I began thinking about various factors like “How distinct are ‘residents’ from ‘visitors’ despite the similarities in the usage of the internet?”, “To what extent could they be similar?”. Continue reading →

Review on Topic 1: Digital Resident VS Digital Visitor

It is interesting to know Joey‘s and Crystal‘s views on Digital Resident and Digital Visitor. There is no definite black and white sides to being a Resident or a Visitor and Crystal has confirmed my thoughts by sharing information on the Visitors and Residents Continuum. An individual can be a Visitor and a Resident at the same time because the relationship between the two is more progressive than contrasting. Continue reading →

Review on “Digital Visitors” & “Digital Residents”

I have never thought that there will be a categorization for different users with their different motive. After much research on the topic as well as reading my peer’s blog post on their view, has really broaden my horizon about how users perceive themselves on the internet. In my post about Digital Visitors and Digital Residents, I talked about the White and Marc’s theory as well as personal views. Continue reading →


After reading through most of my classmates’ blog, I’ve realised that there’s so much I’m lacking of and so much to learn from. It’s pretty amazing and interesting to watch how they got creative with their blog layouts, styles and content. I’m honestly very inspired by many of their work! Among all the blog posts, the two that I’ve commented on, each have its unique take on this given topic. Continue reading →

Wrapping up

On my previous post, I discussed the characteristics of digital ‘residents’ and ‘visitors’. Having read some of the blog posts on the same topic from my peers, here is something extra that I have learnt: Cr: Tianyi’s Blog This is Tianyi’s personal Visitor & Resident map. It caught my attention as I did not look into it further while I was doing my research. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflective Summary

After reading my classmates posts on digital “visitors” and “residents”, it got me thinking further into the two concepts and the different perspectives each have to approach the question. I agree to their points and shared the same views as most of them! It also gave me a deeper insight to the concept. Besides having dominant factor that affects the distinction, other factors like demography and culture maybe a dominant factor too. Continue reading →

Visitors and Residents, what define them ?

Visitors see the internet as a box of tool to achieve their goal. They didn’t leave any trace of their appearance, such as expression of opinions or having any ‘digital identity’. It is not because they are not technically adapted but they are more focused. It could be the individual have a great network offline that they did not need any additional online community. Visitors act based on their goal is to solve their problem so they will chose the appropriate tool and sign off. Continue reading →

TOPIC 1 : Digital Visitors VS Digital Residents #MANG2049 #UOS

​The post-millennial "digital native," a term coined by U.S. author Marc Prensky in 2001 is emerging as the globe's dominant demographic, while the "digital immigrant," becomes a relic of a previous time.The term ‘Digital Natives’ could basically be given to generation Y & Z population. Generation Y (1977-1994) babies are basically born and bred in an age where there is a rise in technology such as Cable TV channels, satellite radio, the Internet, etc. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Digital “Visitors” and Digital “Residents”

Throughout the years of technological advancement, we see a sharp increase in the number of digital-literates. When it comes to distinguishing between these digital literates, it may be clear on which category we fall under, either Digital Natives – being born in the digital age, or Digital Immigrants –  being born before the digital age but adopting many aspects of the new technological age along the way. Continue reading →