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2015, Page 23

Review: Profiling, Who are you online?

After I finished my topic 3 post, I went to check my personal twitter and happened to chance upon on of my Indonesian friend who suddenly mentioned how she needs to create LinkedIn. From there, I found out from her that majority of her potential employers are requesting for her LinkedIn account, though it is not compulsory, but they said it would be good if she had one for them to take a look at. Continue reading →

Digital platforms bring more opportunities than i thought !

On my previous post, i miss out other opportunities digital platforms offer in curating our online professional profile. Social media gives us the opportunity to create a unique resume and how different individual fits to different platform. From Patrick’s blog, i learned how personal brand might also work in conjunction with business brand. Digital platforms also allow us to present our resume in a distinct way. Truly shows our value, not only based on our education and work experiences. Continue reading →

Will we lose ourselves while forging our identity in the virtual world created by mankind? Topic 3, reflective summary.

(Image from: Tumblr) For the past three topics, we’ve focused our attention on the importance and implications of establishing online identities. Through further readings, we’ve come to fully realise the impact our online identities have on our career opportunities and in this topic, we’ve moved on to specifically talk about the various ways in developing a professional online identity. Continue reading →

Guys,It’s time to reflect!

Source : I find it’s really interesting to read through some of the post on topic 3 and while reading, it got me some new ideas that I would like to share in this post. Through Clinton’s post, I realised that sometimes people do not think strategically when establishing an online professional profile. In my previous post, I mentioned a lot about being self-aware on what you are sending out to people. Continue reading →

How to stand out on LinkedIn?

The days of cover letters are long gone with resume not far behind. Social media websites like LinkedIn have become a great source for networking and establishing an online identity. Many of my peers have talked about the effectiveness of using LinkedIn as an online professional profile. I do agree with them but at the same time worried about the issue of overcrowding. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Reflective Summary

Photo Credit: Turnkey Telecom Group via Goggle The evolution of the authentic online professional profile could be approach in multiple aspects. Generally, the ideas that was being shared by my classmates to develop an authentic online professional profile were extremely insightful. Some of them went into details of setting up a LinkedIn account and providing video’s while others took a broad approach in the discussion of that subject. Continue reading →

My reflection on ‘selling’ myself online professionally

At first, I thought that the only way of getting hired is following the traditional way of constructing a solid rĂ©sumĂ© and sending a top-notched cover letter. Never did I know the importance of a professional online profile and how it can make me stand out from the crowd. (Credits: Google Images) Job prospects will never be the same again with a professional online profile and knowing how to develop it makes me feel more secure and optimistic for landing a job in the future. Continue reading →

Reflection time – Say “YES!” to a professional digital profile!

At the end of the day…. Source: Google Images I learnt that maintaining a professional digital profile is absolutely necessary in the current era that we live in now. Employers are turning to social recruitment as their primary method of assessing talents. Thus, it is of utmost importance to craft a professional online presence to extend one’s reachability to the masses. It is easy to craft a favourable self-image on your online profile. Continue reading →

Reflection Summary (Possessing an Online Professional Profile)

(Credits: Google) From Topic 3, I realised that my learning has expanded tremendously in other areas. From KaiYuan’s blog, his video emphasized on the importance of having and creating your social network. It was also a point where fresh graduates or job seekers lack of. As what Aliah D. Wright has mentioned, candidates with a stronger social background has a positive correlation with getting recruited. Continue reading →