This week two PhD students (Amelia Astley and Clementine Chirol) from the Geology and Geophysics group were in attendance and presented posters at the British Society for Geomorphology’s annual meeting. This year the meeting was hosted by the University ov Southampton Geography Department at Highfield Campus and drew attendees in from far and wide; including one speaker from the National Institute for Space Research, Brazil.

Preceding the conference was an environmental sensing workshop in which a range of techniques (ADCP, ground penetrating radar, structure from Motion and terrestrial LiDAR) were demonstrated in the field (a beautiful trout fishing reach along the Test). Cutting-edge methods for the use of these data were then explored the following day concluding in the creation of a 3D model of the floodplain system.
The poster session itself was extremely well attended, possibly as delegates were lured in with the enticement of coffee and cakes. All-in-all the conference was a great success and the participants, including the PhD representatives from G&G, are already looking forward to the next BSG meeting, which is scheduled for Plymouth University, September 2016.