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Topic 2 2015, Page 3

Topic 2 – Reflective Summary

After reading various blog posts, I understand that this topic covered a variety of issues relating to online identity: anonymity and authenticity, presentation and reputation, our online and offline identity, privacy and security and finally identity protection. Constance’s post had pointed out that other factors such as objectives and motivations should be taken into consideration to whether creating multiple online identities should be a concern or not. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Reflective Summary

Comments that i receive got me reflect on several things. First, i haven’t really emphasize my reason and personal experiences regarding personal identities. Second, i haven’t really think how personal identities linked to marketing perspectives. Integrating your personal life and your work life does not mean it will invade your privacy. For example bubzbeauty, fourfeetnine, and timothytiah. They are could be said blogger while TimothyTiah is a co-founder of Netccentric. Continue reading →

Looking back at Topic 2…

Source: Tumblr Online identity is a big topic to be further broken down into. Most of the blogs I read stated that it is acceptable to have multiple identities, so long as it is used in a good way and not for ill-intentions. Looking at Vanna’s comment, it made me realize that there are actually not much ways currently to prevent cyber bullying and impersonation from happening in Singapore. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary: Topic 2

After reading different posts by my classmates, I am enlightened by so many different perspectives. At the beginning, I saw having multiple online identities as being active in more than one social media platform. In my opinion, it does not mean creating two separate Facebook accounts that makes two different online identities; it meant having more than one social media platform account. Our behaviours differ from different social-networking sites and websites, e.g. Continue reading →

Something new…

As mentioned in my previous post, I stand for having multiple online identities on a social media platform to protect my privacy. However, after watching a video from Tianyi’s blog, it made me ponder on the issue of authenticity even harder. The man in the video is seen posting an update every time on his Facebook that does not correspond exactly to what happened in real life. Continue reading →


Source: BLOG.GIPHY.COM My colleagues’ blog posts discussing on the pros and cons of having multiple online identities makes me gain more knowledge and I wished I could include it into my previous post! Firstly, Rachel‘s perspective of having multiple identities is that she do not mind having multiple identities as long as you know how to protect yourself from people who will be harmful to you online. Continue reading →

Topic 2: Summary & Comments

This topic is definitely something that I believe is quite important in the current society now where everyone rely heavily on the digital world. Before the start of this topic, I personally feel that most of us probably didn’t really pay much attention to the type of online identities we portray for ourselves and the consequences that comes with it. Continue reading →

Topic 2 – Reflection

Upon reflection, I was introduced to many different approaches while reading my peer’s discussions on the topic. Some peers, like myself believe that multiple identity brings no harm while some peers believes that multiple identity makes one look deceiving. For example, Crystal suggests that a single identity is important for morality and professionalism’s sake. Continue reading →