A continuation of an earlier post:
Having (vaguely) got to grips with Graphviz last night, I’ve produced a few diagrams which attempt to better visualise the changes in twitter network of dev8D attendees.
In the diagrams below, I’m looking at how the network between 113 dev8D attendees changes over the course of the event (and a few days surrounding it).
Some details on the data I’m looking at:
- The list of 113 was obtained by looking at all people with twitter accounts who signed up for the dev8D wiki
- I’ve ignored all connections which existed before 22nd Feb 2010
- I’m looking at the change in friends (i.e. follows) of each user, ignoring any changes in who they’re followed by
- The changes in network are cumulative, so the very last diagram includes all the changes starting from 22nd Feb 2010
- I’m only looking at new connections made between those 113 dev8d attendees, I’ve ignored new follows to people who aren’t in that list of 113
- Any nodes on the diagrams which are unconnected are fresh signups to the wiki
So what does this mean?
The diagrams themselves show how the network of a small number of dev8D attendees increased amongst themselves over a period of time surrounding dev8D. This alone is good to see, but what’s far more exciting is something that arises when considering how small an area this looks at:
- These diagrams represent only the connections formed between less than half of the 250 attendees
- They represent only the twitter connections formed between those 113 people
What’s exciting is knowing that this is only a small subset of the true amount of networking that took place:
- Face to face meetings
- Email address exchanges
- Connecting to non-dev8D attendees
- Awareness of dev8D and the developer community
- Community built through DevCSI
- Connections on social networks outside of twitter
All these things are hard to measure and quantify, but I’m confident that anyone who attended dev8D can tell you that these things happened non-stop throughout the event.
And finally….the diagrams
The diagrams represent the connections made on a day by day basis, starting on Feb 22nd 2010 to Mar 3rd 2010.
Each image is a thumbnail, I’ve included a link to the full size image of each underneath (which should be zoomable enough to view individual node names).
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Continuing the Discussion