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Monthly Archives: September 2015

MOBs at womENcourage 2015

ACM womENcourage is a scientific event which provides opportunites for networking with women in computer science and related disciplines.

Our 2 PhD students from MOBs and 2 undergraduates are going to join and present their posters at the event. All students have been awarded ACM-W scholarship and the University of Southampton ECS Athena Swan also supports us covering transportation and accommodation expenses.


Our participation in womENcourage 15 appeared in ECS’s website. Here is the link to the news:


Adventures in MOOC mentoring – JTEL 2015 summer school



On Tuesday 7th July, Manuel and I gave a workshop presentation on mentor roles and coordination of mentors in MOOCs. The workshop was part of the Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhance Learning (JTEL) on the beautiful island of Ischia, Italy.

The workshop provided some background on the theories of online learning and mentoring (such as Salmon’s 5 step model of online learning) that we consider relevant for the FutureLearn MOOC platform.

Salmon’s (2000) 5 step model:


We drew on ideas from our paper Mentors as connectors at eMOOCs 2015 and our experiences as University of Southampton mentors and coordinators. Participants then split into groups to plan a mentoring strategy for a MOOC of their choice.

The participants were encouraged to consider a range of decisions for planning a mentoring strategy:

  • Selection of mentor types – content experts, teachers, technical experts
  • Mentor roles – managerial, social, pedagogical, technical
  • Training – familiarising mentors with MOOC content
  • Reporting processes – managing mentors and monitoring course activity

We had good feedback on the session, and really enjoyed the workshop, the summer school, and the great Italian summer weather!