On the 3rd April Bill Warburton and Graham Robinson from the MLE Team in iSolutions presented a webinar entitled “Robust e-Exams: principles and practical examples” to a worldwide audience of e-Assessment researchers and practitioners. The hosts of the ‘Transforming Assessment’ webinar series invited us to present following a paper on the topic of ‘robust e-exams’ which we delivered at the CAA Conference last year.
Our webinar proved popular, with nearly a hundred pre-registrations. We talked about the approach we’ve taken with the EXAMSTART system here to manage the robust delivery of computer-based exams (CBEs) and showed some practical examples of how we simplify the process of starting, managing and maintaining CBEs, and ended with some ideas we have for further developing the EXAMSTART system.
Want to know more? The event was recorded online and more information is available at: http://www.transformingassessment.com/events_3_april_2014.php
A previous MLE Exam blog post is available at: https://blog.soton.ac.uk/mle/2014/01/27/semester-one-exams/