Example of an Instagram feed embedded in Blackboard using the “Board” style.
Example of an Instagram feed embedded in Blackboard using the “Board” style.
After using Blackboard for more than a year you may find that your My Courses list becomes cluttered.
The “terms” feature will set your My Courses box to show your modules under groupings such as the Academic Year when the course was taught.
During the Blackboard Learning and Teaching Conference this year I gave an impromptu demonstration of a Blackboard course we use as part of our “Introduction to Blackboard” staff training course. This resulted in many enquiries about this course so I’m writing a short blog post for those who have asked for more information.
Each month our Blackboard service is used by more than 24,000 members of the University. Less than 1% of those customers contact ServiceLine with a query about the Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment. Most of these queries can be answered by referring to our web pages. Those who do raise a ticket will usually find they have received a resolution very quickly. With this in mind here are some quick tips based on queries we have been receiving lately.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ BB Tips, Blackboard, Customer Service, Uncategorized ⋅
Would you like to embed information from Twitter into your Blackboard course?
Check out our new guide on our support website: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/isolutions/computing/elearn/blackboard/addtwitter.html
If you have any questions or feedback please send them to ServiceLine@soton.ac.uk
If you’ve been using Blackboard as long as I have your My Courses box is probably rather long. It has always been possible to hide courses but we have recently enabled a new feature called “terms”.
Matthew Deeprose ⋅ BB Tips, Blackboard, Video ⋅ BB Tips, Blackboard, my coures, terms ⋅ No comments