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Topic 3, Page 7

Your Online Identity: Single or Multiple?

Digital world is full of uncertainties. Things you post on the web can be perfectly fine for you but offensive to other people. It is about controlling which subsets of true facets of a person are relevant in different social contexts (Dave Vronay, 2017). Source: Original Content Why do people have so many different identities? Often, we want to let people see what we want them to see. Therefore, Single identity is seen as authenticity while multiple identity is seen as anonymity. Continue reading →

Is it normal to choose a Single Identity or should I adopt Multiple Identities

In this digital age, many people are consuming information on the internet. Therefore, it is important for a person to build a strong identity as nowadays it is convenient for people to create multiple online identities in network identity. It certainly affects visibility in work history and private social life. In this case, there are pro and cons in having single identity and multiple identities. Continue reading →

Single or Multiple Online Identities?

Image created by Evelyn Lo via Canva. Information sourced from Jessica Vitak and  The debate over having one or multiple identities online might appear as a result of social phenomenon called Context Collapse, in which diverse groups of people become a single mass of online audience. One person usually holds many different roles ; they might be a student, daughter, friend, and employee, all at once. For each role, the person attaches a particular identity to it. Continue reading →

Topic 3 Who are you on the web?

Source: Self Single vs Multiple vs Anonymous Identity Source: Self produced with information (University of Southampton, 2017)In this digital world, we all own an online identity. Which of the 3 types of online identities is yours?  Identities are like a coin with always two sides, the good and the bad. No matter which type of identity we own, there’s no running away from its cons. Continue reading →


Everyone has their own personality and habit, but how is it true for digital habits? and are we the same online as offline? Many people’s face regarding their online identity deal with the way they approach to manage their digital identity. Should they choose single identity which is identifiable them across all platforms or should they separate their private life from their professional sphere by adopting multiple identity; or which may be anonymous. Continue reading →

Single online identity VS Multiple online identities

  ONLINE IDENTITY    Online identity is a social identity that an Internet user establishes in online communities and websites. It can also be considered as an activity constructed presentation of oneself.  Nowadays, a net citizen can adopt a single identity or multiple identities. A single identity is easily identifiable as us across all platforms whereas multiple identities are for different contexts such as professional and personal, or on different platforms. Continue reading →

Multi-Personality Disorder?

Topic 3: Discussing the pros and cons of having a single identity or multiple identities on the web. Introducing to this topic, Ulrike Schultze shares with us how social media shapes our identity online. Source: (TEDx Talks, 2015). As the children of the current generation grow up in the digital age, we all have our social platforms to communicate with each other since a young age. Continue reading →

Topic 3 – Working On The Web

It is commonly sighted in today’s society to have at least one form of social media accounts in order to connect with people present in your life, be it your employers/employees, or your family/friends. This is called network identity. So, what is that? Source: Self-produced, using information from FutureLearn (2017) I have multiple identities online; one for personal use and another for professional use. Continue reading →