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Topic 3, Page 6

Suiting to Our Preferences

(Reflection on Topic 3) – Deeper thoughts on having single or multiple identities online From what Shih Ying mentioned, she stressed on the importance on protecting your identity online as she had an experience of being hacked early this year, which she shared ways to prevent this from happening. Similarly, I myself had a near-hacked experience where my private account was almost hacked by a person in Russia. Source: Personal Screenshot. Continue reading →

Single identity VS Multiple identities

Online identity stresses two areas which are presentation and reputation. Presentation demonstrates “how they showcase their practice online” whereas the latter highlights “what others think of us”. (Costa, C. & Torres, R., 2011) Multiple identities refers to the ability to be anonymous so as to allow one to have the autonomy to create and explore what they want to do with it. Continue reading →

Is One Identity Enough? Or Having A Few Would Do The Trick?

Compare and contrast the benefits/drawbacks of having a single online identity versus multiple personal/professional online identities  Some people have a single online identity. Some have more than one, and others could have multiple accounts even on one social media platform. “…different social accounts reflect different parts of her persona” – Mallory Johns,’s social media editor. Continue reading →

Who are you Online and How does it affect you?

On the earlier stages of Internet, people can be ‘anonymous’ as a way to interact with others online without sharing much information about themselves. Now, the pursuit of authenticity is creeping into the heart of most social media models. (Krotoski, 2012). Social media has grown at such a rapid pace that some people are still wondering how it fits into their lives on a personal and/or professional level. (QUOC, 2017). Continue reading →

Are you being authentic?

Let’s talk about online identities! From FutureLearn, I found out that because of our digital differences, we adapt to different online identities. Adapted from FutureLearn. Self-produced. It’s not something to neglect because it affects actions that we take, which then affects our various networks. I made a video explaining how I use multiple identities, because I believe different platforms have different functions, and are meant for different groups of people in our lives. Continue reading →


Source: Yahoo News Most Singaporean should remember this infamous story which saw an NTUC Assistant Director fired for posting racist remarks on Facebook. Amy Cheong the NTUC Assistant Director has a single online identity on Facebook, which combines both her personal and professional identities. At the heat of the moment, an ‘unintended’ remark ruined her career. Continue reading →

Passion, Purpose, Progress 2017-11-20 15:59:00

Analysis of myself Last Christmas, my newly-wed cousin came over from Australia for their honeymoon. I was their guide, bringing them around Singapore. Before long, we had amassed a collection of photographs. My cousin asked for my Facebook so that he could share pictures with me. “I don’t have one… can we do WhatsApp instead?” I replied rather reluctantly. Another time, at a gathering with my relatives, somehow the conversation led to the probing for my Facebook. Continue reading →

How many identities do you have?

Online identity stresses two areas which are presentation and reputation. Presentation demonstrates “how they showcase their practice online” whereas reputation highlights “what others think of us”. (Costa, C. & Torres, R., 2011) Multiple identities refer to the ability to be anonymous so as to allow one to have the autonomy to create and explore what they want to do with it. Continue reading →

Online Identities: Are We Blessed With A Curse?

Before I begin, I would like to explore two sides of a coin by the same person. Self-Created The Evolution of Online Identities The words ‘digital footprint’ are often mentioned when talking about online behaviour. This is an understatement to describe the traces we leave behind. In fact, it should be called ‘ digital tattoos’ because it’s way harder to erase and the fact that it screams a lot about your personality, just like how a tattoo would. Continue reading →

Topic 3: Online Identities. Who are we actually talking to behind that screen?

Do you sometimes wonder if the person you are talking to online is the right person? Online Identities. Single Identity provides you with a good personal branding, proves that you have nothing to hide and others accessibility to you. Multiple Identity allows the differentiation and separation between one’s personal and professional life, however, it may inevitably create a wall between the people you’ll like to connect with and yourself. Continue reading →