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Topic 1 2016

Reflective Writing on Topic 1

When I was introduced to this module, I was doubtful about it and thought it was unnecessary to go through the hassle of setting up blogs and new twitter accounts. After attempting the first topic’s discussion, it prompted me with a refreshing learning experience. The ability to think critically and discuss topics online with my peers enable us to spark debate and learn from one another, as opposed to the usual academic essays we have to write for submissions. Continue reading →

Topic 1 Reflection

After commenting and reading about my friends’ blog post, I got a better understanding of the theories and what each term actually means. Initially I was confused and thought that digital ‘visitors’ were immigrants and digital ‘residents’ were natives. Then I clarified that they were from two different frameworks which cannot be compared that way. I also learnt the difference between the two and how to classify individuals. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary: Implications on Digital Marketing?

Source: Giphy Hi again! I believe the first topic has been rather thought provoking for most of us, well at least for me it is! Before reading up on this topic, I have always use the Internet as just a platform to access to things easily online or interacting with people, but have never thought about the different types of users that exist. This topic really made me think more in depth about how people engage with digital platforms. Continue reading →

Reflection on the web, “Visitor” or “Resident”?

There is no end to learning, there is always reflection to do. After reading two blog posts (Adelene‘s and Wanni‘s) and a comment I received from Zin, what did I learn? Prensky’s typology was associated with age. Wanni had pointed out that an adult’s assumption of a child’s ability to become adept does not cover all possible considerations. For example, a child given an opportunity to learn how to use an application may not have the motivation to learn. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 1

“Mama can you make me Insta-famous too?’ – Buddy ^ Foreword: It’s pretty amazing how some ‘Insta-pets’ have their own active social media accounts, mainly on Instagram, with a ton of followers. I guess they’ve become digital residents as well haha. Before this topic, I have never thought of myself as a digital resident, as Renee mentioned in her blog post, that one would instantly think of household names like Kim Kardashian as digital residents. Continue reading →

A Reflection: Digital “Residents” And “Visitors”(#MANG2094)

Reflecting on Topic 1: Digital “Residents” and “Visitors….” Upon reflection on Topic 1, the concept of  Digital “Residents” and “Visitors” has opened my eyes to see how “netizens” are classified based on their personality, traits and behavioral pattern. This could be attributed to the fact that I grew up when the computer and the internet were already in existence and was part and parcel of my life. Continue reading →

Reflection: Digital Visitors and Digital Residents

After reading several posts of the topic from my friends’, I would say that I have changed some of my perspectives in the topic. I’ve no longer thought that Digital Visitors and Digital Residents are 100% right to describe a person, it is more of which one does they represent in one site. A flaw I’ve realized in this framework is, a person’s representation in one site is not able to be fully determined whether if they are 100% a Visitor or Resident, most fall in between. Continue reading →

Reflection: Residents vs Visitors?

  Before learning about Topic 1, I had absolutely no clue that terminologies such as “digital resident” and “digital visitor” exist. By doing my readings and research about these terminologies, I have expanded my knowledge about users of the Web. After reading blog posts from my classmates, I was able to relate to their experience that I have encountered. As I type and express my opinions in this blog, I am acting as a digital resident. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflective Summary

After reading some of my peer’s blog on “Digital Residents” and “Digital Visitors”, I discovered that not only most of us have the same ideology and opinion on this particular topic, we also have something in common, and that is, most of my friends are under the category of “Digital Residents”. As I had mentioned earlier that most of the Gen Y people are placed under this category, it is true to a certain degree. Nonetheless, I have also learnt a lot from my friend’s blog. Continue reading →