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2016, Page 7

Topic 5 : Reflective Summary

OPEN ACCESS? YES? NO? As students, we often grab the information we want from the web, but it did not occur to me the backstory of open access before. Convenience was brought to us thanks to content producer making their work open access to us. We should give credit to those producers behind these information. On my blog, I weighed the pros and cons of open access but did not make a stand to which does open access really benefit both users and producers. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 5: Pros and Cons of open access to online materials #MANG2049

As discussed on Topic 5, I have mentioned a list of pros and cons on the issue about open access to online materials on the web. This is a summary of my opinions on Topic 5: (Source: Venngage, image and content by me) However, with inputs from Maureen, I learnt the benefits open access to online materials provide to users such as researchers where they can access the work of another researcher from the same field to collect more data for their inputs. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary on Free vs Fee

I admit I am one of those who have taken open access on the web for granted. The drawbacks which content producers meet with have never crossed my mind until this topic was introduced. Zoey’s comment on my post sparked off some thoughts on how these content producers can “protect” their work yet at the same time continue to share their creations. Kaye’s post showed an example of how she would safeguard her image through watermarking. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Reflection

In my post, I mentioned that a win-win situation would be to get advertisers to advertise on the website so that users can get free materials and content producers can gain some income. When I said that, I focused on the idea that paywalls are rigid and no one would pay for access to materials unless of emergency given our ‘everything online should be free’ mindset. However, Hui Juan’s post gave me insight that paywalls are evolving from its traditional model. Continue reading →

Reflection – Topic 5

Online access for digital content has always been made for the benefit of others. By allowing it to be re-used and shared, information can be obtained easily. Reading the blog posts from my other friends has also made me realise that online access is applicable in social media and even in the music industry. In Rebecca’s blog, she mentioned how students usually have to settle for what we can get instead of what we really need. Continue reading →

Reflection: Free Access to Content

After reading up on this topic, it has definitely made me appreciate the resources and materials that is freely accessible to me today. Without open access, I wouldn’t have been able to learn so many skills by myself. As a make-up junkie myself, I am glad that beauty YouTubers create contents and share their knowledge on cosmetics to the world. I was able to learn so much from all these tips and knowledge shared without having to enroll into a make-up artistry program. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Reflective Summary on Open Access Materials

[Source: Created using Piktochart] Content Producers of ANY Industry have to weigh the pros and cons of Open Access(OA) before determining whether to adopt that model. This is a very debatable topic as some might prioritize fame/recognition over money/income, vice versa. However, the main issue right now is when users abuse the OA system and also, the rapid growth of piracy. Continue reading →

Reflective Summary for Topic 5

(Image: Geek Culture, 2011) Open access – users of the content and producers of the content. In my previous post, I discussed the issue from both perspectives and compared the pros and cons of open access. After reading through the blogs of my peers, I found more pointers on the pros and cons of open access that were not captured earlier and summarised them below. Continue reading →

Refection Should content be free?

After reading several of my coursemates’ blog post, some of them included how content(photos, blog and video) is available for everyday users. Whereas others provided how open access relates to academic literature. Teresa’s post about content producers that post their materials freely online. I find the points made on her post about the advantage, such as increased visibility and building reputation similar to open access in academic papers. Continue reading →