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2016, Page 6

Reflection – Innovation unlocks value

In light of the ongoing debate on Open Access’ (OA) usefulness, many have discussed on its implications. By now, we should have understood the good and bad sides of OA. Source: Sourceable As mentioned in my previous post, despite the negative effects of implementing OA, it could possibly create opportunities for firms to unlock untapped potential. For instance, paywalls restricts users from information and users can only find out if the contents are useful to them after subscribing. Continue reading →

Topic 5 – Reflection on Free Online Content

Image created by me I have started this topic with the thought of ‘what is a content producer’ and ‘what is freely available online’. With this budding thought, I have went to search on the social media’s side of content producer, and thus neglected the issue of ‘Open Access’ which is targeted for researchers. Through the posts submitted by my classmates, I have managed to understand the concept and benefits of Open Access. Continue reading →

Reflection: Going Global

What a topic this has been! Being a content producer myself, this topic hits close to home. Wanni mentioned that information is solely discipline focused, however I disagree with her on that. To dismiss information as irrelevant, due to an individual not being involved in that discipline is questionable. Information can help to build new interests which can lead to making better career choices. Continue reading →

Reflection on the web, should producers have their content made freely available online?

Reflection happens when I look back and think. Looking back on my previous post, after reading two blog posts (Lelia’s and Zin’s), and a comment from Zin, what did I learn? I have learned about two other disadvantages of free online content. Lelia’s post mentioned a disadvantage of open access publishing to be the reduced quality of articles due to the author’s pressure of writing more to cover for publishing costs. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Open Access, Please..

Initially, it was tough for me to weigh my stance on this topic from different perspective. However, with the engagement with other blogs, I am clear that – Free Open access should be made available, especially in education prospect. I came across this video from Jeremiah’s blog and I would like to summarise a few points that the speaker has pointed out: [Source: Continue reading →

Topic 5: Reflection: OPEN ACCESS

It is a general consensus that students like us mostly support Open Access as it benefits our learning when doing online research. However, while reading some of my classmates’ blogs, there were refreshing approaches that I observed; Everyone can be a content producer – A musician, a Journalist, Researcher or even a Film Maker. Continue reading →

Reflection: Open Access

Open access (OA) is the “free, immediate, online availability of research articles, coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment”. (SPARC) Artificial barriers are maintained by legacy publishers, restricting access. This fundamental mismatch between what is possible with digital technology and outdated publishing system led to the call for OA. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Reflective Summary

After reading a few of my friend’s blog, I have learnt that there are pros and cons to having free online materials.Open access promotes the publisher’s work and it showcases the publisher’s creativity and ideas. These ideas will then be shared amongst other people of the same interest and in the long run, would benefit the whole community. Continue reading →

Topic 5: Reflection

I came in with the mindset that academic information should be freely available.  I couldn’t wrap my head around why publishers introduce high cost for journal subscriptions. It comes off as though the spread of information is seen as a form of business. Divulging more into the topic gave me a clearer understanding of the problems when deciding to adopt an open access concept. Continue reading →

Topic 5 (Reflection): Open Access, opening the doors to opportunities

After exploring the flip sides discussed by my peers, I came to a conclusion that the power of Open Access (OA) outweighs the concerns. OA opens up the doors to publicity for an individual, allowing innovation and creativity to be recognized. Major concerns of OA Indeed, we cannot neglect the concerns of OA. As highlighted by Jia Jun, the lack of funding can put content creators at a disadvantageous position as they are sharing content without receiving any financial rewards. Continue reading →