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2016, Page 43

Reflection: Finding Balance

Firstly, I have to say that this is by far the most pleasant module that I have experienced. With the first topic being so relevant, it engaged me cognitively and triggered my curiosity. Never would I have paused to think about my classification as a digital user. It is interesting to see how people can be classified as “Residents”, “Visitors”, “Natives” and “Immigrants”. Continue reading →

Topic 1 – Reflection Time

(Image Credits) My comments on other pages: Zoey & Gin Before attempting on writing topic 1 regarding digital visitors and residents. I did not have any prior knowledge about this terms. But after writing that blog post I realized how our interactions on the web can be categories under digital visitors or resident. As well as how the technology has evolve creating a platform for us to “live” on. Continue reading →

Reflection | Topic One

My comment on Vivian’s post My comment on Brenden’s post The internet or digital world constantly affects our lives significantly, whether we know it or not. After reading my own post and its comments as well as reading and commenting on those of Vivian and Brenden, my views on topic 1 were enriched, with things that I didn’t give much thought to before. Brenden spoke a fair bit about privacy in his post and mentioned Edward Snowden as an example. Continue reading →

Reflection: Topic 1

(Source: Google) After reading through most of my classmates take on the same topic, I would like to say that there may be differences in our way of understanding these concepts, it is interesting to note how it is all quite similar in conclusion. We all categorised ourselves individually and made pretty agreeable reasons with being either a digital resident, digital visitor or even both because why not!?. Continue reading →

Reflection on Topic 1

Reflection on concept: what did I learn? 1. The segmentation of the two categories on digital marketing 2. Everyone reached an understanding by explaining the terms using personal opinions This post will be my reflection on the knowledge I acquired about topic 1: Digital residents and visitors. I gained an insight from the links provided and also cross studying the blogs written by my peers. Continue reading →

Topic 1 Reflection #MANG2049

Digital residents and digital visitors, never would I have thought of catergorising people accordinly to their habits on the web. Maybe it is because I was born and grew up with the rise of the internet and saw it as a natrual way of life, compared to my parents who viewed it as a revoloutionary invention. Reading most of my peers blogs have given me greater insights into their interpreation of the topic at hand. Continue reading →

Who are you online?

Great point shared by Vivian and interesting personal experiences from Shafiq! Made my comments. ~ Before having an in-depth research into the topic of digital ‘residents’ and ‘visitors’, I was not aware of the different classifications of the way individuals engage on the web. I would simply categorize people into tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy individuals; or individuals who are preoccupied with social presence and individuals who prefer not to disclose their private life. Continue reading →

Topic 1: Reflection

After reading through my classmates’ posts, I think most of us would place ourselves in the middle of the spectrum between visitor and resident. As we are active on social media platforms, but only within a community. Some of my classmates have mentioned Kim Kardashian as an example of a digital resident. I agree as she is an illustration for how one is able to exploit the power of social media by earning big bucks. Continue reading →